Just Friends! Ft. Ant-America

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Some time ago

"And guess what? Shield offered me a well paying job! I only have to work a couple days a week, so I'll be around a lot more than you were when you worked there! It's been my dream forever, isn't that great? I'm finally making the big leagues!" Scott said excitedly, hoping that it would also please his fiance.

Steve's smile grew as his face lit up more. The blonde clasped his hands together. "That's wonderful news scott! I'm so happy for you..." The blonde gave a sweet kiss to the brunette's forehead. "I'm so proud of you...you deserve it.." he hugged Scott tight.

"Aww thank you... oh, uh Tony gave me something before I left, he said it was for you..." He handed the blonde an envelope that was addressed to "Capsicle". "He didn't say what it was, so uh, yeah... good luck with that!" Scott got up and went to the kitchen. "I'll start making dinner!"

"Okay!" Steve called back as he gently felt the envelope. He chuckled softly at the name he was given by Stark. The blonde sighed lightly and began to open to see what lies inside.

It was a beautiful pearl necklace that was lined with lace and it was obviously very expensive. There was also a note in Tony's handwriting laying beside it which read:

Congrats on the wedding, I can't wait to see what you got me for mine. If you need any ideas, I could really do with a watch (hint, Rogers). By the way, ant boy looks good in the suit, but no one could ever fill the ass like you did ;) But in all seriousness, you'll always be Cap to me. I could definitely admit that I've missed you and all your bossiness, it saved the team when I couldn't... We haven't always been close, but I hope you still consider me as your friend.

(P.S., still waiting for that invite!!)


Steve smiled and felt warm inside by the note. Perhaps he can consider Tony as a friend. It would be a relief to be all good again. He chuckled though at the butt comment but it was nice to know that he'll see the blonde as cap still. The smaller male sighed happily and held the necklace and note close. He'll definitely invite Stark to the wedding.

Scott came back in, still wearing his apron and gasped at the necklace that Steve was holding close to his heart. "WHOA! He got you THAT?! It must cost thousands of dollars, jeez!!" He sped over to get a closer look, his eyes wide. "Wow... that Stark sure is something else, huh?..."

Steve smiled and glanced at the necklace and note. "Yeah...he definitely is.."


Steve was going down the steps with a kinda long dress. He and Scott had recently shopped for some clothes for each other since it was about time for some new ones. The blonde was almost half way down when..."Scott I think this dress is a bit long-" the smaller male gasped as he stepped on the ends of the dress and was about to fall down.

Scott dove forward and caught the small blonde in his arms. "Whoa, be careful there, Stevie!" he then blushed slightly, thinking whenever his fiance messed up, it was rather cute, along with him in dresses of course. "Yeah, I definitely think it's a teeny bit on the long side..."

"Aw and the dress was really pretty..." The blonde wrapped his arms around Scott's neck and smiled sweetly. "My hero, thank you for saving me captain" Steve gave a big smooch to the brunette's cheek. "I love you so much Scott.." the smaller male nuzzled his head on the brunette's chest.

Scott chuckled and set the blonde down on the couch gently, feeling like he was falling more and more in love with his soon to be husband every day. "I know it was cuteeee but you're a cutie so it doesn't matter what you wear to me! And I love you too!"

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