Tony was looking out into the night sky from his tower. With Stephen being sorcerer supreme again he was busy. It had been hours since the mechanic last saw him. Eventually a blue butterfly flew past him, then another and another. Many butterflies had shown up around the mechanic and when he turned around in the direction they had come from there stood Stephen. The new outfit of his complimented his body well. Strange smiled at the sight of his wonderful boyfriend. "hello Anthony, miss me? because I've really missed you"
Tony gasped in delight, feeling that familiar excitement and awe as he ran to his boyfriend, right into his strong arms. “You’re getting good at dramatic entrances, Stephy...” he giggled as he gazed up at him with shining Bambi eyes. “You know the butterflies are my favorite though...” he blushed slightly, thinking about how good he looked in his new suit.
Stephen smiled. "You know what's my favorite?" He leaned and gave a sweet kiss to Tony's lips. When he parted he caressed his cheek. "That beautiful smile of yours.."
Tony blushed, flustered by his flattery and wrapped his arms around the sorcerer’s neck, pressing close and pressed a lingering kiss to his soft lips. He parted barely an inch just to feel his closeness, wishing for nothing else than to just be with him. “Oh Stephen, you romantic boyfriend you...”
Stephen wrapped his arms around the mechanic's waist and kissed his boyfriend. "All for you..." He whispered as the cloak reached and showed it was holding a bouquet of flowers for Tony. "I also got you flowers"
Tony blushed more and took them with his dainty hand, and their fragrance was divine. He inhaled slowly and felt so at home, with everything being more back to normal than he could’ve dreamed. “So, now that you have returned yourself to me, in one piece, what would you like to do tonight?”
"I was thinking we could dance....out here.." Stephen tilted his head up and requested that Tony's A.I. play True love by Coldplay and soon enough the song began to play.
For a second, I was in control. I had it once, I lost it though
And all along the fire below would rise...Strange reached out his hand for Tony to take. "Would you care to dance?" He smiled sweetly.
Tony's eyes widened as he was swept onto the balcony, still keeping his bambi eyes trained on his boyfriend as the stars reflected in his eyes, making them seem larger and even more innocent. He held onto him as he waltzed and dipped, gliding around with passionate, smooth movements, never breaking eye contact. This was the life Tony had dreamed of having, with someone like Stephen, he could be himself around him and feel loved for it.
Stephen spun Tony around and quickly gestured for a portal to open above them. He took Tony in his arms once again and danced slowly.
And call it true, call it true love
Call it true, call it true love..Out of the portal came many flower petals making the sky look even more beautiful.
Tony beamed as he looked around, breaking the eye contact momentarily to admire the petals spinning down gracefully from above their heads. One fell down and landed on his nose, tickling it as he snorted. It blew down to the ground, but the tickling sensation caused his cute little sneeze to trigger and he giggled, feeling embarrassed.
"You're so adorable Anthony..." Stephen held Tony close and soon the mechanic couldn't feel the ground anymore. Strange's hold on the brunette was very secure like.
Tony held onto him tight, a little confused as to why he wasn't on the ground all of a sudden. He buried his face into Stephen's neck, feeling shy that night and smiled against his sweet skin. "Gee thanks..."
Stephen chuckled lightly. "Thought you'd like the view better from up here.." he softly said as he spun them around slowly, almost like dancing in mid air. "Plus it I wanted to show how much you raise me up to be more than I can be..."
Tony grasped his hand as they floated over the night city, almost like they were dancing on some invisible platform. He glanced down and saw the magnificent lights below, a stunning view that no one on earth could claim except for them. "Oh Stephen... I... I don't know what to say..." he turned his gaze back to his smiling boyfriend. "All this feels like a dream..."
Stephen leaned in, nearing his lips to Tony's. "I can assure you my dear Anthony..." His lips were an inch away from the mechanics. "This isn't a dream.." then Strange's lips connected with the brunette's in a loving and passionate kiss.
Tony instinctively wrapped his arms around the sorcerer's neck and deepened it, giving him more and more, feeling like he could never stop and still not be satisfied. He broke away, panting slightly as he looked into Stephen's eyes still. "And even if it was, I sure as hell would never, ever want to wake up from it..." he smiled and blushed a little more.
"Neither would I..." Stephen placed his forehead on Tony's. "I love you so much Anthony, with all my heart..."
Tony felt his heart beat in his chest, seeming to grow larger with each motion. "That's certainly a relief, cause I think I've fallen much further into my love for you..."
"I fall more in love with you Everytime I see your wonderful face, along with every kiss and I love you.." Stephen smiled and kissed Tony's forehead. "I want to spend forever with you.."
"Then please, do..." Tony whispered, feeling his love for this man peak inside him, and his heart was pounding as he decided what to say next. "Marry me, Stephen..." he whispered in a longing sort of way, hoping it didn't sound like a plea.
Stephen gasped quietly, looking into Tony's eyes. "R-really? You're really asking me to marry you?" His eyes showed happiness and excitement.
Tony nodded vigorously and took his hand, holding it to his heart and smiled at him lovingly. "Yeah, I really am, Stephen... will you?..."
Stephen felt tears form in his eyes as his smile grew. "Yes....Yes Tony I will marry you!" He held the mechanic close and spun around happily. "A million times yes!"
Tony laughed happily and held him right back, forgetting that they were still gliding around above the night city. "I love you!" he then gave him kisses all over his face. "I love you, I love you, I love youuuu!"
"You've made me the most happiest man alive!" Stephen kissed Tony passionately then parted. "I love you so much Anthony!" Strange felt like he could just explode from all the love and excitement he was feeling.
Tony caressed his cheek softly and grinned. "No way, because you're the one who's made me the happiest man alive!" He then noticed that their feet had tapped down on the ground and they were standing on the balcony again. "Let's spend forever together, then..."

FanfictionDoes death sound like something nice right about now? Well, for Tony Stark, he has been praying for an excuse to end his own life and escape this god-forsaken world, so he runs off to one of his many beach vacation houses where he plans to jump off...