Tony was being crushed both inside and out. He was lying on his bed in the darkness, terrified for his date. He missed dancing on the moonlit sand with him, or being woken up by kisses, listening to his name being whispered against his skin... He held himself tighter and whimpered quietly. What if Stephen decided he didn’t want to be with him?...
Stephen stood outside the tower door and made sure he did look good for the date. "I hope this goes well..." He mumbled to himself. Tony's AI informed the mechanic that Strange had arrived and was waiting outside.
“I-I don’t think I can do this Jarvis...” Tony gasped as he shook with fear. “W-What if he doesn’t want me anymore... w-what if this stupid plan doesn’t work... what if he’s not the same?!”
'Perhaps he might be a tad bit different but you shouldn't be afraid sir. He did love you for who you are, and he just might be as kind and understanding as he was before. Don't let fear get in your way and just give it a try'
Tony scowled. “When did YOU become such a sap, you robotic *sshole?” He stood up and angrily made his way to the door, and sighed. “Hey Stephen, you look nice...” he smiled slightly though he wasn’t happy at all.
Stephen smiled softly. "Hello, you look nice yourself" he said politely. "It was really sweet of you to ask me on a date.." he blushed slightly
Tony almost cried seeing that familiar shyness, but where was that sense of mystery and passionate love? Gone, probably... “Well, ready to go then?...”
"Yes I am" Stephen smiled. He wondered how this night would turn out. Strange felt nervous but also excited, to think he of all people was going on a date with Tony Stark. He must've seen something in Stephen that he doesn't see in himself.
Tony drove him to the new Italian cocktail and soon they were seated in a booth with couples everywhere else too. Tony was a little uncomfortable here so he just looked at a menu to hide his face. “Anything you want, on me.”
Stephen found Tony to be such a nice guy so far. After some minutes a waiter came by and took their orders, once leaving Strange looked at the mechanic. "I hope you don't mind me asking but why did you want to ask me out? If I'm being completely honest I don't really think there's anything about me that could've catched your interest"
"Trust me, there's a lot that you wouldn't know..." Tony smiled across the table, feeling a little better now that he was with him, and it seemed that he hadn't changed much. Now all he missed was that mysterious passion that he held for Tony. He realized that Stephen had done this FOR him, and he trusted his love with his life, so he would try his best. "Like the fact that you are absolutely gorgeous, and I can see that you're very smart. You used to be one of the top surgeons in the world after all!" he chuckled. "I think you're wonderful, Stephen..."
"Oh.." Stephen blushed. "That's really sweet of you to say mister Stark..." Strange shyly adjusted his gloves, thinking about the mechanic was such a charmer. "You're pretty wonderful as well, a genius and a mechanic along with being a hero. It must be amazing" he said sounding amazed with the brunette being a known hero.
Tony shrugged. "Not really anymore... I haven't felt much motivation to fight and whatever. I just kinda wanted to settle down, if you know what I mean..." He gazed at him across the table fearlessly, then reached over and took his gloved hand in his. "And please, call me Tony." Or Anthony, he thought sadly. He had loved how proper Stephen used to be, he hoped that he would at LEAST pick that up again…
Stephen's hand shakes a bit as he looks at Tony. "I know people usually call you Tony but I've heard your real name is Anthony. If you don't mind I'd prefer to call you by your name. It would feel improper of me if I didn't"

FanfictionDoes death sound like something nice right about now? Well, for Tony Stark, he has been praying for an excuse to end his own life and escape this god-forsaken world, so he runs off to one of his many beach vacation houses where he plans to jump off...