A fairytale come to life

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Tony had begged Stephen to go back to the beach house, and finally he had given in so they opened a portal and both peeked out tentatively. No one seemed to be there so the mechanic just walked up to the door and pushed it open, then gasped. "Oh come ON! This place is an absolute disaster! Look at this mess!!"

Stephen looked around, he grew shocked at the sight. "don't worry Anthony, nothing a little magic can't fix" the sorcerer kissed the mechanic's cheek.

"Are you sure you can fix this?..." Tony sighed heavily and assumed that he could, he was extremely powerful after all. "Oooh those jerks will pay one day..."

Stephen hummed and decided that he would bring a smile to Tony's face. So he did some sort of gestures with his hands and nature's beautiful creatures from around the beach house came in. From the windows to the doors and began to clean up the little things. While Strange went around and magically fixed the furniture. "Yes you're all doing such a beautiful job!" Some birds flew around Stephen and one landed on his finger. The two of them whistling a wonderful tune. "C'mere and dance with me Anthony!" The sorcerer smiled brightly and outstretched his hand to the Brunette

Tony felt his heart leap in his chest at the sight. He thought it looked like a scene from some disney princess movie with all the animals cleaning up the mess. But he did smile and reached out to take Stephen's hand, blush creeping onto his cheeks. His fiance always found a way to make him smile, even when he had so many reasons not to at the moment. But he let his worries and frustrations melt away as he was swept into the sorcerer's arms. "Oh Stephen, you're so enchanting!" he giggled softly.

Stephen held Tony close and swayed around with him, dancing all sweet like. He kissed the mechanic's forehead as some birds dropped some flower petals around them. "And you're quite fantastic Anthony" the sorcerer smiled sweetly and twirled the brunette. He felt extremely happy this moment and he couldn't wait to be married to the shorter male. "Do you think I'd make a good wife?" Strange blushed slightly. 

Tony smiled softly and nodded as he was brought back against the sorcerer's chest, feeling so in love with this magical man. "Of course I do, Stephen. You'll be the most wonderful wife in the whole world!" He gave his fiance a soft kiss as they continued to twirl around. "You're so romantic Stephen... I'm so excited for our marriage..." Now the mechanic blushed slightly. "Well? Do you think I will make a good husband?"

"You're already the best boyfriend and fiance. I know you'll be a wonderful husband and can't wait for more years of romance and happiness.." Stephen sighed happily and leaned his head on Tony's shoulder. "I better get some flowers once in a while" the sorcerer giggled and nuzzled close as the two danced a little slower. A life with the mechanic will be amazing and wonderful. "You know just how to make me feel special and have things romantic.." Strange softly said. 

"I could definitely say the same for you, Stephy... I'd be at the bottom of the ocean if it wasn't for you..." Tony murmured as their swaying slowed slightly, still holding onto each other. "I know exactly what would've happened if you hadn't come that day... I would've thrown myself off one of these cliffs..." He sighed heavily and continued to sway side to side with his fiance. "I wouldn't be who I am, or even be here at all if it wasn't for you..."

"It pains me to remember what you could've done..." Stephen felt tears forming in his eyes, never liking the thought that Tony probably could've died if he never showed. He held the mechanic a little tight as they danced, he felt so in love with the mechanic. No one was as sweet, caring, romantic and adorable as Anthony. "I love you so much... I'll do anything to keep you pleased and happy ..."

"Oh Stephen, that's so sweet of you to say... I hope I do just the same for you, every day for the rest of forever..." The mechanic smiled a little brighter and sighed again. "I don't think I would've ever come back from my snap if you had completely left me... and when you dropped me down into the reactor core, everything seemed to replay in slow motion... laying on the sand together and watching the clouds... all those nights you stayed up with me until I finally wasn't too scared to sleep... our picnics and our dances... it all came back to me and that's really what helped me go through with it in peace..."

Stephen sniffled and formed a soft smile. "I'm glad I was able to pull you out of it...I love when you're all sweet and adorable.." he kissed the mechanic's cheek and picked his head up so he could gaze into those beautiful Bambi eyes. "You are my heart and soul Anthony...I feel complete with you..." The sorcerer sighed happily and pecked Tony's lips. "Where are we gonna have our wedding?" 

"I was thinking... maybe here? I know that doesn't make it very special but I just thought it would be close to home and it would also be very pretty..." Tony said softly, barely swaying now and just holding onto his love. There were so many things he wanted to say, but he thought maybe his fiance would understand just by their gentle embrace. "I mean, we can do it wherever you want, that's just what I was thinking..."

"Here's perfect..." Stephen softly spoke with a smile and kissed the top of Tony's head. "You really are very thoughtful Anthony and romantic" he sighed happily and placed his forehead on the mechanics.

Tony smiled slightly and closed his eyes as the critters finished their work and left them in peace. He had been meaning to ask Stephen something for a long while now, and it was making him nervous. "Stephen... we have known each other for quite some time now, and I know without a doubt that you would never leave me or hurt me or do anything of the sort.... I want a kid. A little girl. With you." He sounded serious and pleading at the same time.

Stephen felt his heart race at what Tony just said to him. He actually always hoped to have a child with the love of his life and the mechanic is the love of his life so what's stopping him now? Nothing! "Oh Anthony..." A bright smile grew on Strange's face and he hugged the brunette tight, not realizing that tears were forming in his eyes. "I would love to have a little girl with you!"

Tony laughed happily and held onto his fiance tightly, never having felt so happy in his life. "Oh Stephen, I was so afraid you wouldn't want a child! I know that I'm high maintenance enough but to have a little girl... it's a dream come true! Especially with the man I love most..." He gave Stephen a happy kiss. "I can't wait to be your husband..." 

"I can't wait to be married to you...and to have a child ..." Stephen kissed the top of Tony's head and held him closer. It was truly the best moment ever next to when the mechanic proposed and their first kiss. "I love you my most wonderful fiance and my heart will forever be yours .." he cupped the brunette's cheek.

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