Tony had dragged himself home finally. Well, really, he just crash landed into the water about 50 yards from the shore. He was lucky he landed in the water, otherwise he most likely would've died. He sank towards the sandy bottom and was far enough to where there was little light, which made it harder to fight for consciousness. His battle with the group of iron suits hadn't gone as expected. Turns out those hydra jerks had put each of their own twists on the armors, one being that each was piloted by someone under their influence. Not willingly, but when Tony did a face scan of the first one he took down, it was just an innocent citizen that had been brainwashed and forced to do it. Great, more blood on his hands. So Tony had to figure out a way to stop them WITHOUT killing them... Ugh...
Tony was so tired, however. Tired enough to just want to sleep and forget about the pressure around him steadily getting heavier as he continued to sink. He'd be crushed inside a can, and THAT wouldn't be pleasant, but he was drained both physically and emotionally, and he still had Stephen on his mind. It still hurt that Stephen wouldn't believe him. He thought after everything they'd been through together he would without question. Weren't married couples supposed to trust each other? Well, looking back, EVERYTHING they've been through might have some exceptions…Stephen jogged through the halls of the home after having had Eloise take a nap. Something felt wrong, very wrong. He could feel it inside that something was happening to Tony and he needed to go out and find out. The sorcerer quickly floated outside and over the water, something was off, the water waves moved differently, as if something fell through under. When it comes to true deep love, you can just feel it in your heart that something was happening to your partner. Strange took one of the mechanics devices and had it scan around.
Tony closed his eyes and sighed deeply. How come these things always end up like this? He gets himself into some sort of danger and then almost dies, even when he tried so hard not to. The hardest part was that it always seemed to have Stephen go out of his way to either please him or save him. Even now the mechanic knew Stephen would probably save him in a few moments, but what was the point? Were they ever going to break out of this cycle? It didn't seem fair to poor Stephen, but really Tony had been feeling so much better since their honeymoon. Sure sometimes he felt a little anxiety here or there, but it wasn't terrible at all. Very manageable. It was so exhausting to have to try to keep up sometimes, all with getting a kid now and making Stephen happy too. Tony would happily take care of both, but a part of him would always feel guilty for making Stephen forfeit so much to get them to where they needed to be, but perhaps that was what they needed to be happy... Both gave up so much and in return gained more than they could ever hope for.
The device told Stephen there was a heat signature underneath his feet, deep down below. The sorcerer wasn't sure if he could swim, but he'll have to find out. He wouldn't care if he drowns, as long as he saves his Anthony. Strange held in his breath and fell in the water. He swam and swam deeper and deeper into the bottom. Soon spotting Tony's suit. If he were to make it out alive, then he'll immediately apologize to the brunette. Oh how he regrets not trusting his husband... Stephen gripped the arm of the suit and quickly formed a portal next to them to the sand, because a lot of water will most likely come out. Strange gasped when he felt water going in his lungs and with the agonizing pain of gripping and pulling the mechanic, they fell through. The sorcerer quickly closed the portal. He coughed violently and crawled to the mechanic's suit.
Tony sighed as the mask opened and he opened his Bambi eyes again to gaze up at his wife, but his expression wasn't exactly amazed for their reunion. Yes, he was happy to see his Stephen of course, but their fight before just made everything feel sour now. "Hey, Stephy..." he breathed and took in his appearance, still not as surprised. "Sorry you almost drowned for me..." His voice was weak but he was strong enough to stay awake for the love of his life– it was the least he could do. "And... I'm sorry for running off like that... It was a dick move and I don't blame you for not trusting me…"
"N-No..." Stephen coughed more and winced at the pain in his hands. Still though, with a shaking hand he cupped the mechanic's cheek, somewhat. "I should've trusted you more...i-i should've believed you-u..." Strange sniffled and laid his head on his husband's suit chest. "I-I'm an awful wife for not doing so..." The sorcerer coughed a little more and stayed, laying himself on Tony. "I love you ...i-i always will…"
Tony smiled slightly and lifted a hand weakly to rest it on his wife's back and pull him closer. Well, he definitely felt better having their apologies done and over with. He pressed a kiss to the top of his soaking head. The brunette relaxed and his head leaned back slightly as he rested with a happier sigh now. "Well, things are a little more complicated, but I'll tell you about it later... I wanna take a shower, and you're gonna join me cause you smell like seaweed now," the brunette smirked slightly but frowned as he noticed his wife's hands were shaking. What had happened to his gloves? He remembered taking them off for the honeymoon, but... "Stephen... where did your gloves go?"
"They're safely put away don't worry..." Stephen nuzzled closer to his husband's cold and wet suit, not minding it though. " meant a lot to know that you still love me for who I am...the real I thought maybe sometimes I shouldn't wear my gloves..." Strange placed his hand gently on the suit's hand and sighed softly. "You made me feel better about my flaws.."
"Course..." Tony mumbled and stroked through Stephen's wet hair softly. The shaking from his hand on his was so familiar and it made Tony feel so much more at home, and even though he preferred it, he knew it pained his poor wife and he was glad he wouldn't have to suffer with the gloves now. "I've always loved you for who and what you really are. There's no you without any of your flaws..." The brunette nuzzled and gave another kiss to the top of Stephen's head. "Your flaws just make me love you so much more... And I should be the one to say that you make me so much better about my flaws... You completely changed the way I saw myself... Worthless to worthy, heheh…"
"Oh Anthony..." Stephen felt his heart was more touched. He felt extremely lucky to have Tony, most probably wouldn't love the sorcerer because of his hands. But the mechanic did, he didn't let it get in the way. "You are definitely the perfect man for me..." The sorcerer leaned up and met his husband's lips.
Tony kissed back happily and his suit was coincidentally back online at that moment and he let it pick his wife up bridal style and fly him back up to the house. Things were definitely starting to look up for them!

FanfictionDoes death sound like something nice right about now? Well, for Tony Stark, he has been praying for an excuse to end his own life and escape this god-forsaken world, so he runs off to one of his many beach vacation houses where he plans to jump off...