a fishy situation

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Stephen had brought back those beautiful blue butterflies Tony loved so much. They were currently outside when a portal opened nearby them. Revealing Wiccan, he pulled down his hoodie and looked at Strange. "I must speak with you about something important.." the sorcerer supreme kissed Tony's cheek. "I won't be long" the two sorcerer's went a few feet away from the mechanic and had their discussion.

"...and he's here on Earth, apparently his brother brought him but he eventually lost him.." Wiccan finished and Stephen sighed. "We can't have Loki snooping around and wreaking havoc with his spells"

As the two continued a few steps behind Tony appeared the god/frost giant, grinning as he thought of what spell to put on Stark.

Tony sighed and looked away from them, trying to catch a butterfly that had gone away from the rest of the group of them. They shimmered in the sunlight which distracted him from the fact that Loki was lurking right behind him until he turned slightly and saw him out of the corner of his eye. He gasped and looked like he was about to scream for Stephen, thinking that he might die at this moment. “Stephen!-“

The god of mischief grinned as he cast a spell on Tony. "I wouldn't stay on land if I were you" he laughed in an evil way as Tony started to feel himself changing. "Anthony!" Stephen shouted as he ran to his boyfriend. Wiccan had gone after Loki and seeing as Loki was blocking their magic, Wiccan tackled him to the ground. Strange hurried to the mechanic and held him slightly. "Anthony did he hurt-" the sorcerer soon saw the brunette's legs change into a tail, a mermaid's tail. "Spell rather harmless if you ask me," Loki said with a chuckle. 

Tony’s Bambi eyes widened as he gazed horrified at his new tail, not knowing if he wanted to scream or to just have a breakdown over this. But Stephen could fix it, right? He held onto him as his boyfriend lifted him up off the ground, his tail flopping clumsily to the side. “Y-You can fix this, right Stephy? I-I’m not gonna stay like this forever, right??...”

"I-i.." Stephen's mind was racing as he walked on the sandy beach, soon putting Tony down in the water. "I'm not sure...Loki's magic is somewhat different than mine, it could take time Anthony...". The god of mischief laughed as he disappeared underneath Wiccan and now standing behind him. "I love to stay and chat some more but I have more of midgard to see" the god soon disappeared, going anywhere in any place to do as he pleased.

Tony’s tail splashed in the water with a despaired look on his face. “W-What?... so... so I’m gonna be a mermaid freak for a while?...” he really did feel tears prick his eyes, and shock inside him. How could he be Stephen's boyfriend if he was a hideous fish creature?! How could Stephen love him in this state?! He started hyperventilating and his breathing was ragged and fast as tears streamed down his face. Why couldn’t he just catch a break?... “no no no... this is bad... this is very very bad... oh Stephen, what are we gonna do!”

"Don't worry Anthony I'll figure it out..." Stephen reached and cupped Tony's cheeks, wiping away his tears with his thumbs. "And you don't look like a freak by the way..." Strange smiled softly at the brunette. He didn't want Tony to worry or even dare think he was hideous. "You're very beautiful..." He gazed into the mechanic's eyes. "I promise I'll do all I can to get you back to normal, I won't rest til I do. I'm going to look for Loki, no matter what it takes" 

Tony sniffled and leaned into his touch, feeling a little better knowing that Stephen still thought that he was beautiful and not hideous. “O-Okay...” He looked back at his tail, feeling like a monster again. What the hell was this for? Did life really want to send him over the edge? How was he going to marry Stephen someday if he was a fish person thing?! He didn’t know if he could handle this... best to save the poor man the trouble... his face broke back into despair and he flipped over into the water, darting away from Stephen and out from the shoreline completely. It surprised him that he could breathe under the water and swim so easily. For once, he felt... free! 

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