l a b o u r

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'give him IV heparin and get me a wheelchair',

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'give him IV heparin and get me a wheelchair',

I said to my interns, they looked at me slightly confused,

'why does he need a wheelchair he's currently bed ridden?',

Schmidt asked me, I looked at me slightly in pain,

'it's not for him, it's for me I believe I'm in labour you idiot',

I said, Schmidt's eyes widened,

'I didn't realise it happened that quickly',

Schmidt said, I shook my head at him grabbing onto the end of the bed,

'it doesn't I've been having contractions all morning I just didn't tell anyone',

I said to everyone, Jo who was stood opposite of me looked at me extremely shocked,

'Wilson can you finish this surgery or do I need to call someone in to finish it?',

I asked her, she looked at me still shocked,

'I-I'll be fine',

Jo said as Schmidt grabbed a wheelchair for me and wheeled it over to me. I sat in it,

'well don't just stand there Schmidt take me to OB?',

I said to him, he quickly pushed me out of the OR,

'Schmidt can I borrow your phone?',

I asked him, he quickly handed it over to me,


He asked me, I took a deep breath beginning to dial someone,

'I kind of need to tell the father of my child that I'm actually in labour',

I said as the phone began to ring. It went three rings before Alex picked up the phone,

'Schmidt what do you want it's my day off',

Alex said sounding quite grumpy, I took a deep breath,

'uh hey Alex it's me, I'm uh kind of in labour',

I said quite calmly as I could feel another contraction coming on,

'are you serious?!',

Alex asked in disbelief, I winced in pain slightly,

'if contractions have just started we have a few hours till you're 10cm so I'll be there as soon as I can',

Alex said, I took deep breath again,

'uhhh I've actually been having contractions since 6 am this morning and my water broke in the middle of surgery',

I said in the phone, Alex was slightly speechless,

'I'd say I'm about 20 minutes away from giving birth',

I said, I could hear Alex running around,

'I'll be there soon!'.

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