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'sir I need you to sit down and remain calm',

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'sir I need you to sit down and remain calm',

I said to my patient as he slightly pushed me away so I wasn't able to treat him, I put my tools down so that I was able to calm him,


he yelled at me, I saw Jackson appear out of the corner of my eye he saw that I was getting slightly annoyed,

'is everything alright over here?',

Jackson asked, Jackson pulled me back slightly trying to make sure I was out of dangers way so he could protect me, the patient got even more aggressive, I moved behind Jackson, if anything were to happen it would be better if my 6 foot 1 boyfriend took the heat rather then myself who was under 5 foot 5. The man began to shake his head,

'sir we are just trying to help you and we can not do that if you are threatening us',

Jackson said sternly, the man got even more aggressive,


the man yelled again; he lunged forward and kicked Jackson in the crotch. I looked at the man scared he was going to come for me next but Owen came running over when he saw what happened and quickly detained him so he couldn't hurt anyone. Owen looked at Jackson who was on the ground groaning in pain slightly,

'you alright Avery?',

Owen asked Jackson, I tried not to laugh,

'I'm fine',

Jackson said, Hunt looked at me and saw the slight smile on my face,

'are you going to help your boyfriend or just laugh at him?',

Owen said, I quickly helped Jackson off of the ground and took him into trauma bay 1. He sat down on the bed, I quickly got him an icepack and handed it to him. He took the ice pack and held it onto his crotch,

'my knight in shining armour',

I said to Jackson, he smiled at me before groaning in pain again slightly,

'I don't think I'm going to be able to have kids'.

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