c o f f e e

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Mark went to speak to me, I saw his mouth open and began to speak before he could,

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Mark went to speak to me, I saw his mouth open and began to speak before he could,

'look can you get me a coffee before you start talking to me?',

I asked my boyfriend. Mark waited a few minutes and then began to talk to me,

'y/n why are you on the couch!'

Mark asked lifting the blanket on my face, it seemed as if he was yelling but I truly don't think he was.

'I hear you talking but I still don't have a coffee',

I said still trying to wake up.

'I asked Callie and Arizona to get you one on there way here. Now what happened last night?',

Mark asked me. I took the blanket off of my face,

'well I'm not sure, but everyone was here and we knew you were coming home late and you'd be tired so we all decided to go out. and well we just kept drinking.',

I explained, Mark smiled at me.

'y/n I know that you called me before you went out. do you remember what I said?',

Mark questioned. I look at him confused,

'all I remember is you telling me to behave',

I said in response.

'and what did you do?',

Mark asked.

'The opposite',

I said laughing. I sat up and began to cuddle him, the silence was nice considering my head was pounding. We sat there for a few minutes, until Callie and Arizona walked in together.

'Hey y/n! did you have fun last night?',

Callie yelled.

'what the fuck happened last night?',

I said quietly to Callie. Arizona came over and handed me a coffee, some aspirin and some pedialyte.

'I'd figure you'd need more then just a coffee',

Arizona said somewhat laughing.

'oh my god I love you Arizona!',

I said to her as she handed them to me.

'You don't remember what happened?',

Callie said and then began to laugh. She quickly grabbed her phone and began to show Mark some videos. The different facial expressions that Mark was showing were confusing me, one minute he was smiling the next he looked mad and then he was laughing,

'someone explain what I did?',

I said getting impatient,

'you were dropping and popping ass like no tomorrow',

Callie said laughing his ass off,

'why is that so funny?',

I asked still confused, Mark began to smile,

'from what the video shows you were so drunk that you could barely walk, so you were dancing but barely and then-',

Mark said, he stopped talking as he began to laugh. Callie and Arizona laughed together,

'wow, I wish I was there',

Ondreaz said winking at me.

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