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As I walked through the door I felt all eyes on me

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As I walked through the door I felt all eyes on me. Mark's eyes were glued to me chest and Callie gave me her 'what are you up to look', I walked over to Callie and gave me a hug,

'you look hot! but does Mark know you're wearing this?'

Callie asked while looking me up and down.

'Thank you and no!'

I said in reply while turning around so she could see the whole outfit.

'Hey Mark',

Callie yelled to get Mark's attention who was standing in the kitchen. I gave Callie a death stare but turned around and saw Mark looking at me. His eyes were angry but he was grinning and taking in what he saw. He walked over to me, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. I pulled away and went to let go when he whispered in my ear,

'do you wanna explain to me what you're wearing baby girl?',

He hissed in my ear. I knew that wearing this would get him riled up, I honestly just wanted to get him as riled up as possible. I finally pulled away and instead of talking to Jaden I began talking to Callie,

'Callie, what are we doing tonight?',

I asked Callie. I felt Mark's hand moved to my back and then to my ass' Callie excused herself without giving me as Mark nodded at her to go a for a little bit. He pulled me into another room,

'and what can I do for you Mr Sloan?'

I ask Mark trying to sound innocent. He pulled me into a hug, his hands making there way directly to my ass,

'you know I don't like you wearing revealing clothes like this for other people, I mean you look hot as hell baby but now I wanna take you to my room and do you, so you wanna explain to me why you wore this?',

Mark hissed in my ear, Derek walked into the room so I quickly got out of his grasp and walked back into the main room. For the rest of the night Mark didn't take his eyes off of me, everywhere I went he was always close by looking at me. I ended up talking to Jackson, and I saw that Mark was giving Jackson a bit of a death stare but he didn't notice. Mark stormed over to where I was and grabbed me quickly leading me to the door,

'sorry guys we have to go

I yell to everyone in the house. He walked me to the car and quickly got in the drivers seat while I got in the passengers seat. He began to drive out one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand gripping my thigh, the silence was killing me. Mark drove about 5 minutes up the road at first I was confused but then Mark spoke up,

'you better get your ass over here before I become mad at what you're wearing',

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