h o m e

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I heard Link yell through the halls, I looked up at Jo who had snuck me out of my room and was wheeling me through the halls in a wheel chair,

'do we turn around or do we keep going?',

I asked Jo, she smiled at me and spun me around, I smiled awkwardly at him and waved,

'why would you do that?',

I asked Jo gritting my teeth so it looked like I was still smiling at him. Link shook his header me as he slowly walked towards us,

'why are you not in your bed right now?',

Link asked slightly smiling at me, I looked up at smiling back,

'I was coming to see you',

I said not confident in my answer whatsoever, Link shook his head slightly,

'I'll take her from here Jo',

Link said, Jo let go of the chair and leaned in to me,

'good luck',

Jo said to me quietly, I tried not to laugh. Link grabbed the back of my wheelchair,

'so where are we headed?',

Link asked, I looked back at him,


I said as it was truly the only place that I wanted to go right now. He took a deep breath and walked around to the front of the wheelchair,

'Baby you know you have to stay here',

Link said squatting down in front of me. I shook my head,

'Why though? look I'm out of my room I'm not even wired up to anything, I'm fine',

I said to him slightly annoyed, he looked at me sympathetically,

'y/n you're still recovering',

Link said to me, I looked away from him and Link stood up. He walked behind me,

'so where to?',

Link asked, I shook my head. I gripped the sides of the chair and lifted myself up, I stood up,

'y/n what are you doing?',

Link asked extremely concerned. I took a step forward,

'y/n sit back down',

Link said sternly, I shook my head at him,

'Link I wanna go home',

I said, I went to take another step forward but fell,


Link yelled extremely concerned. He quickly walked around the wheelchair and picked me up off of the ground,

'I just wanted to go home',

I whispered into his ear as he quickly carried me back to my room,

'what happened?',

Bailey asked walking into my room, Link put me down on the bed,

'she tried to walk',

Link said extremely concerned, Bailey began to check me out and see if anything was going on,

'just let me go home',

I said to her, pushing her hands off of me. Bailey looked at me shocked,

'can you give us a minute?',

Link asked Bailey, she nodded her head and left the room closing the door behind her. Link climbed onto the bed with me wrapping his arms around me,

'baby I know you want to go home, but you can't yet. You need to be fully recovered before you're allowed to go, being here you're in the safest place you possibly can be incase anything happens to you whilst you're still recovering',

Link said, he kissed the top of my head,

'I just want to be home with you',

I said to him, he pulled me in tighter,

'how about I stay here with you tonight or for the next few nights?',

Link said, I nodded my head, he kissed the top of my head again,

'but first can you let Bailey check you out because that was a nasty fall?'.

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