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'go around the corner just go',

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'go around the corner just go',

Alex said pushing me around the corner of the kitchen as we heard the front door open. Alex tried to catch his breath quickly throwing his shirt at me, he smiled at me as I tried to hide. The front door shut again, I heard someone gasp,

'what the hell happened to the kitchen?!',

I heard Meredith ask as she saw a mess, truth is Alex and I were home alone and we were originally cooking but things escalated and we were half way through fucking when we heard the front door open. I quickly popped my head around the corner so they couldn't see me but I could see Alex, Alex slowly walked around to another side of the bench, kicking our clothes along the ground trying to hide them, I grabbed Alex's shirt and tried to put it in quietly,

'I was trying to cook',

Alex said as he kicked my panties closer towards me, Meredith chuffed,

'What on earth where you trying to cook?!',

Meredith asked still confused, Amelia began to laugh,

'hey y/n you can come out now?',

Amelie said beginning to laugh, I slowly emerged from where I was hiding, they were laughing and Alex began grinning at me, Amelia bent down to the ground coming back up I saw her holding my bra in her hands, she slowly walked over to me putting her arm out,

'I believe this ones yours',

Amelia said trying to hold a straight face while giving me my bra back, I awkwardly smiled at her, I reached out a grabbed it,

'it's nice to see you y/n',

Meredith said trying not to laugh, Alex walked over to me wrapping his arms around me,

'although next time maybe you should have some clothes on',

Mer said laughing, a small smile appeared on my face. I began to walk away making Alex let go of me, I quickly bent down and grabbed some of the clothes that were discarded earlier, trying to walk past the other as soon as possible,

'you coming Alex? or should I let one of them handle your issue',

I said pointing to what was happening in his lower region, he smirked at me and slowly followed. I made my way upstairs,

'she's gonna be around here a lot more often',

Alex said turning so he was walking backwards still facing them, it made my smile thinking of the fact that our relationship was getting serious. I looked back at Alex and saw that Mer stepped forward,

'good because we like her'.

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