m i s c a r r i a g e

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I heard Alex yell through the hallway, I turned around and looked at him slightly confused and slightly embarrassed. I quickly walked towards him,

'what the hell?',

I whisper yelled at him, he looked at me slightly angry,

'are you pregnant?',

Alex asked me, my eyes widened, I pulled him into the closest empty room,

'what are you talking about?',

I whispered yelled at him not wanting anyone to hear us even though we were in a closed room,

'why the hell did Carina ask me to remind you to go to your appointment?',

Alex yelled, I shook my head at him and walked out of the room,

'no you don't just get to walk away without actually telling me that I'm going to be a dad!',

Alex yelled, I couldn't tell if he was angry or happy as there was a glimmer of joy in his voice. I turned around to face him shaking my head, I saw a smile on his face and the tears began to swell in my eyes,

'that's it! you don't! I lost the baby Alex!',

I yelled the tears streamed down my face. I quickly ran through the halls trying to get away from Alex as I didn't what to face him,


I heard Alex yell. I shook my head and turned the corner, I ran into Jackson,

'woah y/n slow down',

Bailey said slightly laughing before she realised that I was crying,

'woah y/n are you okay?',

Bailey asked extremely concerned. I shook my head at her,

'I-I can't',

I said to her, she looked at me confused. Alex walked around the corner,

'Alex what is going on?',

Bailey asked, Alex quickly pulled me into his arms and into a hug. I began to cry in his chest,

'Chief would you mind if we had the rest of the day off, y/n uh had miscarriage and needs some time',

Alex said before kissing the top of my head,

'sure take whatever time you need'.

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