p a r a l y t i c

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'okay schmidt I need you to be very careful and inject the paralytic right there',

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'okay schmidt I need you to be very careful and inject the paralytic right there',

I said pointing towards a spot on my patients back,

'don't we usually put it in the IV?',

Schmidt asked me, I nodded my head,

'yes but these are extenuating circumstances so this is how we're doing it',

I said handing him the needle, he took a deep breath before pulling it out of my grip,

'I can do this',

He said, I looked at him slightly confused,

'are you telling me or telling yourself?',

I asked him, he smiled at me somewhat awkwardly,


He somewhat stated, I shook my head at him,

'just do it schmidt',

I said slightly laughing, Schmidt nodded his head at me, he picked up the needle. His hands were slightly shaking and he lowered it to the spot I was pointing at, I felt a small prick on my hand,

'I'm doing it',

Schmidt said as if he was a child, I shook my head at him,

'you are doing it but care to tell me why you're injecting it into my hand',

I said to him, his eyes widened and he quickly pulled the needle out of my hand, I almost immediately became dizzy. I sighed slightly,

'can someone please page my boyfriend?',

I asked before falling to the ground, I felt my head slightly bounce. I was still somewhat conscious but my body was almost completely limp,

'it was an accident I swear',

Schmidt said beginning to panic,

'Schmidt take a walk! Somebody get me a gurney!',

I heard Bailey say, I could feel myself quickly be lifted onto a gurney,

'we need to get a ventilator in now!',

Bailey yelled as I was quickly wheeled out of the room. That was the last thing I remembered before losing complete consciousness.



I heard someone say as I slowly regained consciousness, my eyes flickered and they slowly opened. I saw Alex standing above me beginning to smile at me,

'hey baby you okay?',

Alex asked me, I nodded my head slightly not wanting to speak as my throat was sore likely due to the ventilator. Alex grabbed my hand,

'can you help me sit up?',

I croaked out, Alex quickly lifted the top half of my bed so I could sit up. I sat up and saw a large group of people in my room,

'you have us a bit of a scare there y/n',

Bailey said, I smiled at her slightly. Alex sat on the bed next to me,

'where's Schmidt?',

I croaked out, Alex handed me a water before tending up slightly,

'No need to tell him off your boyfriends already done enough',

Bailey said, I looked at Alex slightly confused. He avoided eye contact with me,

'I actually wanted to tell him that I'm okay'.

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