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Jackson whispered in my ear trying to be seductive, I looked at him confused, we promised each other that we wouldn't tease each other or even show that we were a thing in front of our friends, considering we were friends with benefits we didn't really want to explain it. Jackson's hand went to my thigh, I crossed my legs trying to push his hand off,

'what are you doing Avery?',

I asked the boy that was getting extremely close, he smiled at me,

'are you complaining baby?',

Jackson asked me putting his arm around me, I shook my head,

'no just curious',

I said back to him, he smiled at me, his other kept going further and further up my thigh. I raised my eyebrows at him before deciding to get up out of my seat. I walked out of the room and outside to the backyard trying to distract myself from what just happened. I heard the door open and saw it was Jackson and he had followed me out here. I looked back over the railing until I felt Jackson behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and his hand almost immediately went into my skirt, he wasted no time. His fingers began to rub my clit,

'Jackson hurry up or I'll do it myself',

I said trying push his hand further down so he would at least be able to enter a few fingers, Jackson and I both stopped as we heard people approaching quickly,


Jackson muttered under his breath, he quickly got up, beginning to squat and pulled my skirt down, he didn't have enough time to full move off of me so he decided to just lay on time of me. I began to laugh as I saw people come around the corners, to shut me up Jackson decided to kiss me,

'what the hell?!',

Alex yelled making me pull away, I didn't know what to do so I looked at Jacksonand he looked at the group of people that were now here,


Jackson said casually I rolled my eyes,

'so are you guys like a thing?',

Mer asked I looked away not knowing how to respond, Jackson smiled at me,

'yeah we've been dating for a while',

Jackson said, I tried to keep my shock inside but I looked at my supposed boyfriend confused,

'we'll leave you guys to it then',

Mer said turning around slowly pushing everyone out of the area. I waited till everyone left before doing anything, Jackson looked at me smiling and I looked at him shocked,

'what the hell Avery!?',

I whispered yelled not knowing how far away the others were. Jackson began to laugh still not moving off of me,

'uh it was the first thing that came to mind!'

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