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'you okay Doctor y/l/n?',

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'you okay Doctor y/l/n?',

Jo asked me, I grabbed on to the railing in the hallway and slowly nodded my head,

'yeah completely fine',

I said trying not to nod my head too quickly as I was already dizzy, I slowly continued walking,

'are you sure you're not to looking too good?',

Jo asked me again, I shook my head this time,

'no but we have rounds to do so let's power through',

I said taking a deep breath before walking down the hall taking my hand off the rail,

'come on Wilson',

I said beginning to walk, Jo quickly followed me,

'okay Jo tell me what we have',

I said stepping in front of my patients room, Jo looked at me confused,

'is there a reason that we are out here and not in the patients room?',

Jo asked me, I shook my head slightly,

'I have decided that you are asking too many questions today',

I said to her, she nodded her head. I grabbed a hold of the bar attached to the wall as I felt extremely dizzy,

'someone get y/l/n a wheelchair',

I heard Mark yell walking down the hallway, I went to walking towards him but staggered slightly as I nearly fell. Mark quickly ran towards me and picked me up before I fell,

'I told you you shouldn't have come in today',

Mark whispered in my ear. Mark quickly carried me into the nearest empty room,

'should I let your interns looks after you or should I?'.

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