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'Are you coming baby?',

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'Are you coming baby?',

Jackson said walking towards me getting ready to leave, he put his hand on my lower back and that was enough to hitch my breath. Jackson hadn't touched me in days but it feels like weeks, he looked at me and smirked,

'you okay baby?',

Jackson asked moving his hand lower, I nodded my head, somewhat frozen. Jackson stood in front of me wrapping his arms around me,

'I know I was trying to punish you by not touching you for making me jealous but I do know about you but I can't handle it anymore',

Jackson said, I nodded my head agreeing with what he said,

'we aren't going out are we?',

I asked smiling at Jackson, he smirked at me,

'we won't be going out for a while considering you won't be able to walk',

Jackson said pulling me to his bedroom. Jackson pushed me into the room and quickly unzipped the dress I was wearing, he his slowly pulled my dress down. His hands slowly moved onto my back, slowly moving down,

'I've missed you like this',

Jackson whispered in my ear, I turned around so I was facing him, Jackson took his shirt off as I slipped his shorts down, my hands moved to his boxers,

'hurry up baby',

Jackson hissed as I slid his boxers down. I immediately wrapped my mouth around his tip and slowly began to bob my head up and down. Jackson moved his hand to my head trying to get me to go faster,

'I forgot how good you were',

Jackson hissed dropping his head back his eyes beginning to roll. I began to hollow my cheeks, swirling my tongue around his tip,


Jackson groaned out releasing into my mouth, he looked down at me as I swallowed. Jackson pulled me up from the ground, his lips became connected with mine, he pushed me back onto the bed, the bedroom door opened,

'thank god y'all are fucking I can't deal with you guys being horny anymore',

Alex yelled, I looked away from Alex trying to hide my face,

'I'm guessing you guys aren't coming to dinner?',

Alex said smiling at us, I picked up a pillow that was behind me and threw it at him,

'Get out Karev!',

I yelled, he quickly left, Jackson looked back at me and began to smirk at me,

'where were we?'

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