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'I just hope that people do not stare',

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'I just hope that people do not stare',

I said as Alex and I walked into the hospital, I looked at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with everyone,

'that's not going to happen and you know that because we are now the freakshows of the hospital, I didn't even think you were coming in for a while',

Alex said bringing up a topic that I did not want to address, I shook my head slightly,

'I'll see you at rounds',

I said to Alex before quickly walking ahead of him, I quickly made my way into the Locker room. All eyes were on me, I shook my head slightly and dumped my bag into my locker. I got my changed into my scrubs and made me way to the ER,

'y/n what are you doing here?',

I heard somebody ask, I turned around and saw Mark standing at door. I shook my head at him as he was bringing more attention to me , I didn't respond to him,

'everybody out of the locker room',

Mark said holding the door to the room open, everyone quickly left the room. I went to walk out as well but Mark stopped me and shut the door. I avoided eye contact with him,

'y/n why are you at work?',

Mark asked me, I folded my arms at looked up at him,

'I passed my psych evaluation I'm allowed to be here',

I said to him, he looked at me in disbelief,

'how? you have been waking up in the middle of the night screaming your brothers name, not to mention the fact that you can't even go onto the floor that he was-',

Mark said, cutting himself off before he said it. I shook my head at him,

'he was what Mark? he was shot and died almost immediately! but you know what Mark at least I can say it!',

I yelled at him. Unknowingly tears began to swell in my eyes and stream down my face, Mark pulled me into his chest,

'it's okay baby'.

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