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I was sat on the couch cuddled up with Jackson, sitting in his lap my head nuzzled in his neck essentially asleep

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I was sat on the couch cuddled up with Jackson, sitting in his lap my head nuzzled in his neck essentially asleep. I was slightly woken up by the front door closing but thought nothing of it as we were at Mer's and there was always people here until I was pulled away for Jackson.

'what the fuck Y/n?',

Mark yelled at me in quite an angry tone. I didn't respond but I'm assuming he was confused as to why I was cuddled up with Jackson, everybody but Mark knew that we were dating, it was quite easy to hide it as he was always caught up in himself or with Lexie. Mark continued to carry me out to the patio,

'Mark put her down!',

Jackson demanded as he follow us out as did the others in the house,

'I'm not up to you yet Avery',

Mark hissed at Jackson. Mark, my brother finally put me down in front of him.

'Of all people y/n you pick Jackson!',

Mark said to me. By this stage literally everyone was with us,

'Everybody go back inside',

Jackson yelled as he could tell I was a little uncomfortable. I went to reach for Jackson's hand but Mark swatted it away.

'Mark, just please give us a chance, anything you ask we will answer please',

I said, I looked up to Jackson who looked scared.

'okay Mark just please don't go all aggressive Mark on Jackson and I, and remember that Jackson is literally one of your best friends',

I said trying to lighten the mood. Mark wasn't enthused,

'How long? Why? How? Have you guys done it? Why didn't you tell me?',

Mark barked quite quickly. I suddenly got nervous,

'uhh we've been officially together for like 2 months, we've had feelings for each other for a while but I kept denying them because I was scared of you. when you say how I think you mean how we kept it a secret and well literally everyone but you knew but you were always caught up in yourself and with Lexie that you kind of forgot about me',

I said with a sad tone in my voice, I paused and then continued,

'Jackson do you want to answer the next one?',

I asked my boyfriend quite scared, he just stared at me and shook his head quite aggressively. Mark's stare got more intense,

'ah I-I-I didn't tell you because I don't and didn't went you to be a-h disappointed in me',

I said quite quickly and quietly. Mark's stare went from intense to saddened as he realized what I said. Mark just hugged me, I didn't know what to do as we weren't the most affectionate family.

'y/n I could never be disappointed in you, I mean I'm not that happy your dating Jackson but he is one of my best friends and you're my little sister and if he makes you happy then it's okay',

Mark said smiling of me, he let go of me and faced up to Jackson. I grabbed Jackson's hand because he still looked quite scared. I feel as though he was about to get the 'if you hurt her I will kiss you talk',

'Now Avery, I mean Jackson why have you been sleeping with my sister and not telling me?',

Mark said, Jackson and I looked at each other. We heard someone pull up,

'Foods here',

Alex yelled.

'thank god',

I said under my breath. Mark walked to where the food was looking back at Jackson and I as he walked away. I grabbed Jackson's hand again, looking him the eye,

'I love you',

I said for the first time, Jackson began to smile,

'I love you too',

Jackson said in response, I leaned back to kiss him but pulled back as I heard Mark yell.

'just cause we're the plastics posse doesn't mean you can kiss my sister in front of me'.

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