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'there you are',

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'there you are',

I said as Meredith approached me, she slowed down but didn't stop,

'sorry y/n I just got paged',

Meredith said going to continue to walk, I grabbed her arm,

'that was me, I paged you',

I said, she looked at me slightly confused,

'my water broke',

I said slowly growing concerned and somewhat scared, her eyes grew wide,

'is there a reason you decided to page me and not Linc the father of the child that is making their entrance today?',

Meredith asked pointing towards my bump, my eyes widened slightly,

'oh my god I'm a terrible girlfriend',

I said my breathing becoming faster, Meredith smiled at me slightly grabbing onto my hand,

'no you're not',

Meredith said laughing slightly beginning to pull my hand to invite me to walk with her. We began to walk through the hospital, a contraction started and I screamed in pain slightly gripping her hand tightly,

'can someone get me a wheelchair, page ob that we're coming and page link to meet us up there!',

Meredith yelled as everyone smiled at me,

'I'll page everyone! Cross get her a wheelchair',

April yelled causing Cross to quickly run and get me a wheelchair, he bought it behind me and a slowly sat in it,

'let's do this',

Meredith said to me with a smile on her face, wheeling me to the elevator, she hit the buttons. The elevator dinged and the doors slowly opened, Link was in there,

'I just saw the page! Is this really happening?',

Link asked me with a smile on his face, I nodded my head before groaning in pain, Meredith rolled me into the elevator,

'we should probably hurry unless you want her to have the baby in the elevator'.

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