c h a i r

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'good luck explaining to everyone why you're limping',

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'good luck explaining to everyone why you're limping',

Alex said smirking at me before we walked in completely different direction before anyone saw us together. I slowly began to walk to the ER,

'y/n what happened to you? why are you limping?',

Callie asked me approaching behind me, I stopped where I was genuinely needing a break, I put my head in my hands not wanting to explain myself, I felt Callie put her hand on my back, I looked up at her slightly, she looked at me extremely concerned,

'I think I've broken something',

I said gripping onto my hip, Callie still looked concerned,

'can someone please get me a wheelchair?',

Callie yelled towards a group of interns, I looked at her slightly confused and in slight embarrassment. An intern quickly came towards us with a wheelchair,

'y/n, I'm going to exam you and do some scans and you are going to tell me what happened',

Callie said sternly, I laughed slightly and she looked at me concerned,

'sit in the chair y/n',

Callie said folding her arms, I sighed before sitting down, she quickly wheeled me into a consult room,

'can you sit of the bed for me?',

Callie asked me, I nodded my head and moved onto the bed,

'before you say anything else I would just like to say I'm completely fine',

I said, Callie looked at me concerned,

'are you sure y/n because it looks like you're being abused?',

Callie said, she moved towards me and pushed me back onto the bed. Her hands moved to my hip, she began to put pressure on it trying to see what was wrong,

'I'm not Callie, it's a fucking sex injury',

I said, Callie looked at me slightly speechless before laughing. I shook my head at her,

'whoever did this to you really needs to get a hold of themselves',

Callie said, I nodded my head,

'do you want to tell him or should I? we could do it together since we're all in surgery together today?',

I said to Callie, her jaw dropped slightly as she realised it was Alex,

'you're sleeping with Karev?!',

Callie asked, I nodded my head, she put more pressure on my hip and I winced in pain,

'y/n you won't be sleeping with him again from a while because it seems like you have a tear in your hip muscle but I will need to get more scans',

Callie said, she went on her pager,

'I'm paging Karev to the MRI room and we will be going to meet him there so you can get your scans',

Callie said pointing back to the wheelchair. I climbed off of the bed and got into the wheelchair. Callie wheeled me up to the x-ray room, I tried to hide my face as I didn't want anyone to see that it was me. We got to the MRI room and I climbed into the machine with Callie's help,

'Torres what do you need I have a consult in 15 minutes',

Alex said walking into the room, I avoided looking at him,

'you are not to go near y/n for the next 6-8 weeks specifically due to the fact that the last time you were you may have teared a muscle in her hip'.

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