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'call security!',

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'call security!',

Jackson yelled as he kneeled down next to me wanting to get the man that pushed me detained, I went to sit up but he pushed me back down,

'y/n don't move',

Jackson said, I looked up at him slightly unimpressed,

'Jackson I'm fine just a few bruised ribs that's all',

I said grabbing onto my lower chest, Jackson pull up my scrub top to see if I was bruising already,

'maybe you could get me into a bed before you show every one my boobs',

I said to Jackson groaning in pain slightly, Jackson didn't laugh but a small smile appeared on his face. Jackson stood up and quickly helped me off the ground, he put his arm around me supporting me as I struggled to walk because of the pain. He quickly took me into trauma room 1,

'what happened?',

I heard someone ask, I looked up and realised that it was the chief,

'aggressive patient',

Jackson hissed quite angrily. Chief quickly walked towards me quickly assessing my injuries,

'Y/n can I take this as a learning opportunity for the interns?',

Chief Bailey asked me, I nodded my head. Jackson shook his head,

'Chief I don't think so',

Jackson said, Bailey looked at him unimpressed,

'Avery you can supervise them and make sure they don't miss anything',

Bailey said before leaving the room, I looked up at Jackson,

'it'll be fine Jackson',

I said to him, I could see that he was still tense and angry that I was hurt. He moved his hand and pressed down on my ribs slightly, I groaned in pain, Jackson shook his head,

'you've definitely got a broken rib or two, I need to make sure you don't have a punctured lung',

Jackson said quickly grabbing the ultrasound machine. Bailey entered back into the room with the interns following her,

'Avery step back before you do anything else',

Bailey said, Jackson looked slightly annoyed slowly taking a step back from me. He put the ultrasound machine down as he stepped backwards slowly folding his arms,

'okay everybody; this is a learning opportunity due to y/n being injured right now we are going to let you take control and look after her and find out what's wrong',

Bailey said, Bailey was talking to the interns but I zoned out as I reached for Jackson. He looked at me concerned and walked towards me,

'what's wrong?',

Jackson asked grabbing my hand, I gasped slightly and pointed towards my abdomen. Jackson picked up the ultrasound again,

'Jackson let the interns do it',

Bailey said, he shook his head,

'I'm doing this but they can come and watch and point out what might be wrong',

Jackson said trying to reason with Bailey, he pulled my shirt up and quickly squeezed the gel onto my abdomen, he moved the wand around trying to see the whole picture,

'is that free fluid in the belly?',

One of the interns stated, Jackson lowered the wand,

'it looks like she has a severely bruised kidney',

Another intern said, Jackson kept lowering the wand,

'wait Avery move to the left',

Bailey said walking closer to the machine, Jackson's eyes widened,

'what is it?',

an intern asked, Bailey began to smile,

'a baby'.

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