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'get out of my room',

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'get out of my room',

I said as I woke up and saw one of Alex's interns standing in the corner, he shook his head at me,

'Dr Karev said I have to watch you and give him updates',

The interns said I shook my head, I pulled one of the pillows from behind my head and threw it at him,

'I said get out of my room!',

I yelled growing extremely frustrated, the intern ducked to avoid the pillow,

'I'm sorry Doctor y/l/n Dr Karev is in charge of me today so I can only listen to what he says',

The intern said, I shook my head at him, I grabbed a hold of my remote and hit the emergency call button,

'what's happening?!',

The intern yelled slightly panicking before quickly walking over to look at my monitors,

'what's going on?',

Chief Bailey yelled walking into my room, I pointed towards my intern,

'this dude will not leave me alone!',

I yelled extremely annoyed, Bailey stared the intern down slightly and they quickly left the room,

'my boyfriend can't and won't spend time with me so instead he sends an intern to babysit me',

I said quite angry, I sat up quickly and immediately groaned in pain. Bailey quickly came towards me,

'y/n be careful',

Bailey said to me. I went to respond when I saw Alex enter the room, he had an angry expression on his face,

'why did you send my intern away?',

Alex essentially yelled at Bailey, we both looked at him unimpressed,

'I'm going to leave you two the room',

Bailey said looking like she was trying not to yell at Alex. Alex looked at me confused, Bailey left the room and shut the door,

'have you ever thought of coming to see how I'm doing then rather than sending an intern?',

I asked him, he looked at me slightly confused,

'y/n you know I'm busy',

Alex said, I shook my head at him,

'yes I do but I just had major surgery and I've barely even seen my boyfriend',

I said. I sat up and move to quickly, I groaned in pain again and moved my hand to where my stitches had just opened,

'baby, baby just calm down okay',

Alex said quickly walking to me,

'I promise I'll spend more time with you, I was trying to work as much now so I could spend time with you when you go home',

Alex said, I looked at him disappointed in myself for being mad at him. Alex lifted my shirt up and saw that there was blood,

'Bailey get in here I know you're listening!'

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