l a b o u r

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I sat on the couch with Alex and Link waiting on me hand and foot, I felt bad but my due date was fast approaching and Jackson wanted me to always be with someone, usually it would be him but he had meetings all morning

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I sat on the couch with Alex and Link waiting on me hand and foot, I felt bad but my due date was fast approaching and Jackson wanted me to always be with someone, usually it would be him but he had meetings all morning. I was deep in thought when Link walked over to me,

'y/n let me help you what do you need?',

Link asked me.

'Link its okay! you don't need to help me',

I said but as I did I went to stand up off the couch but was struggling,

'okay well at least let me help you off the couch then',

Link said whilst laughing. He helped me up off the couch as he did Alex began to walk over to where we were,

'Link what are you doing Jackson said we weren't allowed to let her move!',

Alex said practically yelling at Link. I began to laugh it was soon cut short as I felt a sharp pain. I latched onto Link's arm,

'y/n are you okay?',

Link asked quite panicked.

'Uh I think it's just Braxton Hicks',

I said to the boys as Link helped me sit down. Link was surprisingly helpful as he was trying to help with my breathing but whatever was happening was quite painful.

'Link I'm going to call Jackson',

Alex whispered in to Link's ear.

'Alex don't! he has an important surgery today and we're all doctors we know it's going to be fine because it's just braxton-hicks I swear',

I said to Alex still in a lot of pain. Alex and Link didn't take their eyes off of me as I stood up, I thought that maybe walking around would stop the pain. Link and Alex were hovering around me as I was barely able to move, another wave of pain came over me but this time I felt a liquid trickle down my leg.

'uh we need to go to the hospital',

I said quite calmly making my way to the front door.

'why? what happened?',

Link asked confused.

'her water broke!',

Alex said whacking Link in the arm. Link began to freak out,

'Link calm down for crying out loud, and please just grab the bag that's in my room near the door',

I said as Alex was trying to help me out the door.

'who's car?',

Alex asked as we made our way out the door.

'well Jackson took ours so probably yours',

I said still trying to breath through the pain. He nodded his head but quickly stopped,

'we need to call Jackson!',

Alex yelled. He helped me into the car and he began to call Jackson, he didn't answer, he called again and Jackson still didn't answer. Link came running out with my bag, as tears began to form in my eyes,

'guys I can't wait for Jackson we need to go like now we'll just see him there',

I said bracing the car as another contraction came. The entire car trip to the hospital Link was calling Jackson but he wouldn't pick up, he must of had his phone turned off for the surgery. As we pulled up to the hospital Link decided to call Mer who was with Jackson,

'uh it's happening!',

Link yelled into the phone,

'Mer the baby'

Alex yelled again. We walked into the hospital and I was moved into a room straight away,

'just breath y/n',

Link said to me as I squeezed his hand,

'if you tell me to breath one more time I-',

I said but was cut off by another contraction and I think Link was thankful. After a few moments the pain was somewhat gone,

'somebody just get me Jackson, please',

I begged while wincing in exhaustion and pain.

'He's not here yet but Robbins said it's baby time',

Alex said quietly. I didn't make a sound, I just wanted Jackson here, that was all I wanted. Nobody spoke but after a few moments Link ran out of the room, I was confused but the next thing I knew Jackson entered with Link they were both out of breath.

'sorry I'm late baby girl',

Jackson said trying to crack a joke. I smiled a little but I was in a lot of pain, Jackson made his way towards me, he kissed me and grabbed my hand

Within an hour I gave birth to our son, he was perfect.

'I have never been so proud of you, I love you y/n and I'm never going to have my phone on silent again',

Jackson said as joking before pressed a kiss into my forehead as all of our friends came in too see our little boy.

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