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'where is he?',

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'where is he?',

I asked as I woke up, I slowly opened my eyes seeing my friends and colleagues standing around my bed, Bailey looked around the room confused,

'do you want your brother?',

Bailey asked curiously, I shook my head slightly, Bailey looked at me confused,


I said slightly choking due to the tube the was in my throat from surgery, Bailey looked at me confused but turned to her interns,

'you heard the patient find her Sloan',

Bailey said before smiling at me, her interns quickly made their way out of the room, I tried to sit up slightly,

'be careful you don't want to open up those stitches',

Bailey said picking up my chart, I looked at her slightly confused,

'you don't need to look at that Bailey I know you have my charts memorised by now',

I said putting my hand on my throat as it was hurting, she looked at me slightly unimpressed,

'Yeah but I want a reason to wait around and see why you want Sloan here',

Bailey said smirking at me, I tried not to laugh as I knew it would hurt,

'we're dating',

I said to her, her jaw dropped slightly,

'never would've picked that one',

Bailey said walking to my bedside,

'does Avery know?',

Bailey asked speaking about my brother, I shook my head at her,

'and neither of them know I had surgery',

I said to her. She smiled at me slightly,

'actually Jackson does know we had to tell him that you had surgery but we only told him just before you woke up',

Bailey said, I looked at her slightly scared,

'does that mean that they're both headed down here?',

I asked her, she nodded her head still looking at my chart before realising what was going to happen. Mark entered the room,

'what can I do for you Bailey?',

Mark asked smiling at her, Bailey pointed towards me. Mark look and realised that it was me,

'what the hell happened?',

Mark asked quickly coming towards my bedside and grabbed my hand,

'my appendix decided it wished to leave my body',

I said trying to joke with him, he looked at me concerned. I moved over slightly so he could climb into the bed with me,

'what about Jackson?',

Mark asked, I shrugged my shoulders slightly,

'I couldn't care anymore',

I said to him, he smiled at me and climbed onto the bed. He wrapped his arms around,

'y'all are cute',

Bailey said, she went to leave the room but Jackson walked in,

'why is sloan in the bed hugging my sister?'.

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