Subplot - Babysitting the twins

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(A/N): Disclaimer: I am NOT adding Rom and Ram to the harem

(A/N): The purpose of this chapter is to show how (Y/N) can handle children.

(A/N): Anything that you read here has NOTHING to do with (Y/N) having feelings for Rom and Ram or them having feelings for (Y/N)! I am not going to jail!

(A/N): Alright... with that outburst out of the way... onto the chapter.


(Y/N) POV:

Right now I'm outside of the basilicom enjoying the scenery. I decided to sit down somewhere, but then a snowball came towards me.

(Y/N): Heh... *Shoots snowball* Come on out you two.

Ram: Come on! Does anything get by you!

(Y/N): You two sure are persistent when it comes to pranking me.

Rom: We're just bored because big sis has work to do around the nation...

(Y/N): Blanc left huh...

Ram: Can you play a game with us!

(Y/N): Huh? Sure, any games you have in mind?

Rom: We can play hide and seek...

(Y/N): Sounds good to me, want me to count while you two hide.

Ram: Yep now start counting! Come on Rom!

Rom: W-wait up!

I began counting down and when I finished I decided to hunt the two down.


(Y/N): Now where did those two go...

I started searching left and right for those two. That's when I noticed one of the curtains behind the couch moved at an unusual speed.

(Y/N): Hmm... *goes towards couch*

I then heard small giggles from behind the couch.

(Y/N): *grins and looks behind couch* Found you two.

Rom and Ram: Ah!

Rom: How did you find us.

(Y/N): I usually have a keen eye when it to finding the unusual.

Ram: Not it's our turn to find you! You better start hiding!

(Y/N): *shrugs and starts walking*


Right now I'm hiding in the library on top of a high bookshelf. I was able to get up there using my grappling hook to hook onto the ceiling and drop down.

(Y/N): *sitting on the bookshelf* Anytime now...

Rom and Ram then entered the room searching for me.

Ram: He's got to be in here! We checked everywhere but here.

Rom: (Y/N) sure is really good at this game...

Ram: I wish big sis would just ask out (Y/N) already...

Rom: What makes you say that?

Ram: Isn't it obvious! The two cuddle with each other, fight together, and they even sleep together!

Rom: Do you think (Y/N) will accept her feelings?

Ram: That's what I'm hoping for if we can have fun like this more often.

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