Chapter 10 - The trail to Leanbox

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(Y/N) POV:

Well... today's the day I make my way to Leanbox. It was nice going around Lowee and spending time with Blanc and the twins. Though I still look forward going to Leanbox.

(Y/N): Well that's all my stuff I better make my way. *leaves room to see Blanc waiting*

Blanc: You will come back sometime right...

(Y/N): *puts hand under Blanc's chin* I promise you I will.

Blanc: *looking away while blushing* Hehe...

(Y/N): Well see you.

Blanc: Wait, can I have your contact so we can stay in touch and plan our meetings.

(Y/N): Sure, I would love that.

We then exchanged contacts and before I made my way out we saw Rom and Ram reading something while giggling.

(Y/N): Found a book you two are interested, huh?

Blanc: Wait... *insanely blushes* Stop reading that book!

Ram: What's wrong sis? You have so many copies.

Rom: I can tell you worked really hard on this book.

Blanc: I-it's because...

(Y/N): What's the book about?

Blanc: Nothing worth reading!

Ram: It's about a girl who fell in love with a boy from another world.

(Y/N): Really? I can see why you're embarrassed Blanc though as long as that book is not published I don't see why you're so worried.

Blanc: W-well...

Rom: Wow... the boy even has a flaming sword and... Oh. What's this the boy even has multiple weapons and skills.

Ram: Hehehe! The girl in the story sounds a lot like you sis!

(Y/N): Oh... *looks at Blanc then smiles with a small blush*

Blanc: D-don't you need to go to Leanbox already!

(Y/N): *hands up backing away* OK, See you around Blanc *opens the door and gives Blanc one last wink before leaving*

Blanc: *calms down* Please be back soon...


I'm making my way towards Leanbox texting everyone seeing how they are doing and they all responded nicely, well... all except her as usual...

(Y/N): Did I do something wrong? Hmm...

I then noticed I reached Leanbox and the place looked really nice.

(Y/N): So this is Leanbox huh... I will say this place looks great. I should head to the basilicom first to find Vert.

I found a map of Leanbox and was able to find the basilicom. I made my way when I noticed something from the crowd...

Person 1: Hey isn't that...

Person 2: It's (Y/N)!

(Y/N) Thoughts: (Huh? Since when did I start grabbing attention?)

I listen in on another group

Person 1: Bro! It's the guy who can freestyle weapons like a madman!

Person 2: Not only that! He can walk off wounds like they're nothing.

Person 3: Can't forget about his badass levels. They're max tier!

(Y/N) Thoughts: (Wait... they know about my battles? How?)

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