[Lemon Warning] Subplot - Fun with Vert

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(A/N): *places mini gun beside him* This is the last one until I can be sparred of this for a while...
(Y/N) POV:

I woke up beside Blanc once more with her naked body as we did it again last night.

(Y/N): Man... we did round 2 that quick...

I then got up and went down stairs to do the usual.

(Y/N): Well, after breakfast I'm on my way to Leanbox. I have a feeling it's going to be a long day...

Blanc then came down stairs in her everyday clothes.

Blanc: Morning (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Morning Blanc, I take it you slept well.

Blanc then hugged my back.

Blanc: Very well...

I chuckled and kissed her on the lips as she blushed.

(Y/N): Breakfast is almost ready can you go wake up the twins.

Blanc nodded and went upstairs to wake up the twins.

I then set the table and Blanc came down with the twins as the two ran over to the table ready to eat.

(Y/N): You two seem excited.

Ram: Your cooking is the best!

Rom: It's a shame that this will be the last meal before you head to Leanbox.

I then went over and pat the two on the head.

(Y/N): I'm definitely going to come back. Spending time with you three was so fun that it makes me look forward to my next visit here.

Blanc: We'll do our best to reach those expectations...

I then walked over and kissed Blanc on the cheek.

(Y/N): I know you will.

She smiled and the twins giggled watching the two of us.


We all finished our breakfast and I prepared to make my way to Leanbox.

Blanc: You better come back soon...

I gave a two finger salute as I brought out my bike.

(Y/N): You know I will.

I then drove off to look back and see Blanc and the twins waving as I drove off.

(Y/N): *grins*


I arrived at Leanbox basilicom and made my way in.

(Y/N): Still a mess as always...

I then knew where she was right off the bat.

(Y/N): *opens door to see Vert gaming*

Vert: Heads up! Stay focus!

I had my arms crossed as I watch Vert play.

(Y/N) Thoughts: (She's getting better)

Vert: Almost there! Keep it up!

Vert and her team won.

Vert: Well play everyone.

I then clapped and Vert turned around with her eyes wide open.

(Y/N): You certainly have the skills of a true gamer.

Vert: (Y/N)!

Vert then hugged me tight.

(Y/N): Sorry to keep you waiting for so long.

The goddess and the demon (Hyperdimension neptunia x OP Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now