Chapter 23 - Deciding.

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(Y/N) POV:

We all made our way to Planeptune. The girls that didn't live in Planeptune didn't argue because they already agreed to it back at the forest.

The others flew back to their nations to wait for their date with (Y/N). Though there was still one more issue...

Neptune: I'm dating (Y/N) first! I was the first person that he met so I have priority!

Nepgear: Priority?! Just because you guys were best friends doesn't mean you get to call shots about who he dates first!

IF: Besides, (Y/N) likes fighting. I bet he would rather date someone that fights more.

Compa: What good is a date that only involves fighting? I think he would like would prefer to date someone who treats his injuries ALL the time.

They kept arguing with each other...

(Y/N) Thoughts: (How many times have I done this...)

I shot my gun in the air again... and they all went silent.

(Y/N): You know this routine is getting boring.

Neptune: In that case you decide who to you'll date first.

(Y/N): That's...

That's when all 4 of them went near (Y/N)'s face with smiles... but a deadly aura...

(Y/N): You know this makes it harder right.

The girls: Pick.

(Y/N) Thoughts: (I need to think of a fair way and fast...)

That's when (Y/N) starred at his gun and had the perfect plan.

(Y/N): Alright so you all want to date me right? Then how about this. *puts his gun on the ground*

Neptune: What are you doing?

(Y/N): I'm going to spin it and whoever it lands on-


(Y/N): What? No... I don't have a bottle so this is the next best thing. Except instead of kissing it decides the order.

(Y/N): Though I suppose the kiss will come later *winks at the girls*

All the girls got in a circle with blushes and (Y/N) spinned the gun.

(Y/N): And the first girl is...

The gun landed on Neptune.

Neptune: *puts her first in the air* YES! I get first date!

All the girls gave jealous stares and then looked back at the gun as they waited for the next spin.

(Y/N): And the second girl is...

The gun landed on Nepgear.

Nepgear: Yay! *hugs (Y/N)* We can finally spend some time together after so long.

Neptune: All right Nep jr. *pulls her away from (Y/N)* Save it for when you guys go on a date.

The goddess and the demon (Hyperdimension neptunia x OP Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now