[Lemon Warning] Subplot - Sweet time with Blanc

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(A/N): *loads shotgun and places it next to him* Why do I put up with this...


(Y/N) POV:

Uni woke before me and she saw my sleeping face.

Uni Thoughts: (He's so cute... Maybe i should wake him up...)

I woke up to see Uni about to place her lips onto mine. Though I decided to beat her to it.

(Y/N): *kisses Uni on the lips* Morning.

Uni was blushing extremely red

Uni: *pouts* No fair...

I chuckled and hug her in close. She did the same and we head down stairs to the kitchen where I made breakfast.

(Y/N): Anything you like to request?

Uni: I would like some pancakes.

(Y/N): Pancakes coming up.

I began cooking and Noire came down the stairs.

Noire: *yawn* Morning...

Uni: Morning Onee-chan.

(Y/N): Nice to see you're up. Pancakes are almost done so please get comfy.

Noire rubber her eyes.

Noire: Ok...

I then set the table and we all ate our pancakes together.

Noire: So you're off to Lowee huh (Y/N)...

(Y/N): That is correct.

Uni: You did promise we would see each other again... right?

(Y/N): Of course we will. After the dates we both had, how could I not come here again.

The both had a smile hearing my comment.

Sooner or later we finished our breakfast. I then stood up to wash the dishes.


After I finished washing the plates I then made my way to the door.

Noire: Wait (Y/N)! Before you go we would like to give you one more thing.

(Y/N): Hm?

Noire and Uni both kissed my cheek.

(Y/N): *blushing* Thanks... I look forward to seeing you two again.

I waved as I made my way to the door and the two waved back.


I rode my bike all the way to Lowee while running over a few monsters on the way.

When I reached Lowee I put my bike away and made my way to the Lowee basilicom door.

(Y/N): *opens door* Better keep a eye for...

 I then caught the book being thrown at me.

(Y/N): I knew it... You two need to come up with better tricks.

Rom and Ram came out of hiding.

Ram: No fair! None of our pranks work on you!

Rom: It's like time moves slow for him...

I chuckled from the two.

Blanc: What are you two-

Blanc then saw me and immediately came to my side.

Blanc: (Y/N) you're here already!

(Y/N): Yep, couldn't wait for our date. Hard to keep a pretty face waiting for so long.

The goddess and the demon (Hyperdimension neptunia x OP Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now