Chapter 13 - There's another?

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(Y/N) POV:

Me and Neptune are catching up from how long we've been separated for. Me and her have been getting quest done a lot faster due to her new view.

(Y/N): Well... *puts guitar away* That's the last of them.

Neptune: I see you got some new weapons from when you were away.

(Y/N): They were souvenirs from each different nation.

Neptune: Can't wait to see them all!

We then made our way back to the guild where we ran into Nepgear, IF, and Compa once again.

IF: (Y/N)! You're back!

Compa: We missed you so much (N/N)!

(Y/N): Sorry about that... I was just getting to know the place.

Nepgear: By the way I never really asked. How was the trip around the different nations.

(Y/N): Honestly, it's been nice. Every nation had something to offer.

Neptune: You better not be getting any ideas of switching nations *stares*

(Y/N): I'm not leaving my best friend *pats Neptune's head*

Neptune: You better not or I'll Nep up whoever took you away!

I could feel a jealous stare from the other three...

IF: Anyways, let's do a quest together like old times!

Compa: I was thinking the same thing.

The two of them went to the board to look for quest.

Nepgear: Come on (Y/N) help us out. *drags (Y/N)*

(Y/N): Uh... sure thing.

Neptune thoughts: (Poor (Y/N)...)


All 5 of us were destroying everything we see in sight and everything we defeat the enmies... all 4 of the girls would compete for my arms.

(Y/N): *has Compa hugging his right arm and Nepgear hugging the left* You guys seemed rather attached to my arms today.

Compa: They're so comfortable (N/N)...

Nepgear: Who wouldn't want to hug arms like these.

(Y/N) Thoughts: (If you never what's under the coat...)

IF and Neptune Thoughts: (Lucky...)


After countless battles I was able to use all my weapons and everyone was amazed of my capabilities.

IF: Is there any weapon you can't use!

(Y/N): *shurgs* Whenever I grab the weapons I just let my mind go nuts.

Nepgear: I really like the briefcase!

The goddess and the demon (Hyperdimension neptunia x OP Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now