Subplot - The twins older brother.

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(A/N): *loads shotgun* Don't even think about it you loli lovers.

(Y/N) POV:

I woke up and Blanc was still hugging me tight with her naked body so I was pinned to the bed.

(Y/N): Well... time to use the trick that always works.

I kissed Blanc on the lips and she woke up.

Blanc: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): *chuckles* Works everytime.

Blanc was blushing as she turned away to hide it.

(Y/N): *gets up* Well... I'm going to make breakfast. Anything you like?

Blanc: I'll have some waffles...

(Y/N): Got it. I'll make breakfast and head to Leanbox next.

Blanc: You're leaving already?

(Y/N): Sadly... I was hoping to stay here a little bit longer though that wouldn't be fair for the others.

Blanc looked down and nodded for knowing the outcome if she were to have (Y/N) for one more day.

Blanc: You will come back right...

(Y/N): Obviously. After that day yesterday it would hard to resist an offer from you.

Blanc had a small smile and blushed.

(Y/N): Well I'll see you at the table.

I then went down to the kitchen and prepared breakfast.

(Y/N): After what happened with the last three... I wouldn't be surprised if Vert has something planned.

I then shivered at the thought of what SHE will do after knowing what she's like.

(Y/N): I would rather not think of that one...

That's when the twins came down.

Ram: Morning (Y/N)!

Rom: Is breakfast almost ready?

(Y/N): Yep, we're having waffles. After we finish breakfast I'm going to head to Leanbox.

Rom: You're leaving to Leanbox already...

Ram: Aww man... We wanted to play games with you like last time!

(Y/N): Hmm... (I did promise them back then that I would squeeze some time for them)

The twins went to the table and looked down.

(Y/N): Tell you what. I'll spend a day with you two and then head to Leanbox. I did say I'll spend some time with you back then.

The twins head went up and they had big smiles.

Twins: Yay!

(Y/N): *smiles and sets the food on the table* I'll go get Blanc.

Twins: Ok.

I then went up stairs to get Blanc.

(Y/N): Breakfast is ready Blanc.

Blanc: Ok...

Blanc went to put on her clothes still looking down.

(Y/N): Also I'll be in Lowee for one more day.

Blanc jolted her head up.

Blanc: Really?!

(Y/N): *nods* Yep, the twins want a day where we spend time together like the last time. Of course you're free to join as well.

The goddess and the demon (Hyperdimension neptunia x OP Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now