Bella dream of accident

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 I started dreaming  about the accident every single detail of that night. That I couldn't remember.

We were in Jacob’s car and Jacob was driving. Rebecca was in the passenger seat. I'm in the back seat seating in the middle but seated up enough in my seat close to them so we could talk.  I was still angry from what happened earlier that night and I was telling them about it. Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. There was no time to react. It happen all so fast. The deer ran out in front of us I screamed, "LOOK OUT JACOB!"

  Then everything went into slow motion. The deer had made contact with the hood of the car. Then came through the windshield. I didn't have no time to react. The deer hit me head on in the back seat. I heard Rebecca and Jacob scream out my name when the deer made contact with me. The deer and I flew out the back window.

   At this time I noticed the car was flipping sideways while coming out of the window. Then I hit the ground bouncing and rolling until I came to a stop on my stomach. I watched the car roll then I saw Jacob come flying out of the window. "JACOB!" I screamed out. The car landed and I didn't see him no more. "NOOOO! REBECCA, JACOB!" They didn't answer me, everything went black. I open my eyes trying to figure out what happen and where I was at. Then I felt the pain.

  I was laying on my stomach. I looked up and seen Jacob under the car. "NOOO! GOD THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" I force myself to get up. I saw the deer laying on the road. All I could do is think this can't be happening.  I limp over to the car. I seen the back window broke then I seen Jacob. He told me to go to Rebecca.That's when I had seen how broken up her body was. Why didn't I remember this. Oh dear god. The seat belt cut into her waist.

   Her legs are crushed, there's a bone sticking out of her arm. She got cuts all over her face "ARRGGGHH! SOMEONE WAKE ME UP PLEASE!  I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER NO MORE. NO MORE!" I screamed out. "Bella wake up!" I heard Edward waking me up. I open my eyes. I look at him making sure he was real and I was awake. I couldn't catch my breath. I start shaking my head and the tears start flooding out.

   "I ..I ..I reemmember everything from the accident. Every last detail. Even what Rebecca look like in the car. Oh, god Edward no wonder she didn't live I'm surprised Jacob and I did. I wrap my arms around Edward and bury my face into his chest. Edward kisses the top of my head and wraps one arm around my back and takes his other hand and runs it through my hair. He didn't say a word. He just sat there and let me cry and held me.

  I don't know what I would've done if he wasn't here. "Bella can I tell you something the doctor told me when you ended up in the hospital after you came and lived with us." I took a deep breath. "Yeah!" I told him. "After you came out of surgery and he had gotten all your records from Forks hospital, well you were right. He told us that he was surprise you were even alive at all. Then he showed us pictures from the accident scene that the hospital fax. It was just horrible. Bella I sometimes wish I could take the images out of my head of the car and what it looked like." I felt him bury his face in my hair.  I knew then everything I dreamed and everything I remember was true.

  "Someone was looking out for me that day and Jacob. At first and for the longest time I wished I had died in that accident instead of Rebecca. But now I'm glad I didn't because I would've never met you."

     I do not own all my characters Stephenie Meyers does

    I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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