The final camping spot

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Bella had climbed into the back seat and fell asleep. I had decided to stop and pick up everything we needed. While shopping I saw a warmer jacket for Bella so I picked it up. While getting everything, I was thinking about everything that had happen. Bella has open up her heart to me and is willing to let our relationship grow. I'm so happy about that.

We are going to have a big problem at school with Tanya though. I know she probably told her brother Henry. God he is going to be a royal pain along with his friend Laurent. I will have to warn Bella about them. I think I will take the time and tell her about school and the people and what to expect. Once I got everything we needed plus the personal needs I knew Bella would need and I would need. I cashed out and walked out to the jeep. I put everything away.

I got in and look back at Bella, she was still sleeping. She been sleeping so peaceful with no nightmares I don't want to wake her. She needs her rest. I got back on the road. I had a couple of hours before we stop at the forest service.


I was being gently shook awake. I open my eyes to see Edward looking down at me. "Hey sleeping beauty. We're at the forest service." He told me. He was holding something in his hands. "What's that?" He smiled. "Why don't you get up and find out sleepy head." I giggled.

I got up. "I'm sorry. I just been so tired." I climbed out of the jeep and Edward was holding a warmer jacket. "When you get that?" I looked at him confused. "Oh when I stopped and got our supplies." He told me. I put on the jacket and we walked inside. We got a permit. The ranger recommended a generator and other supplies we will need. He told us where we could get a trailer to rent. He even said he bring us supplies once a week until we leave.

We warned him about Mike, Tanya and the paparazzi. Once we got everything we headed to where we're going to camp for a month since Tanya messed us up. We finally made it and I got out and looked around to see how beautiful it was here. The river the mountains. It's just so breathtaking. I felt Edward arms wrap around me. "It's beautiful here, but not as beautiful as you." I smiled. "Now you do realize you're going to have to teach me how to shoot you know. We didn't buy the other shotgun for nothing. I need to know how to use it."

My body tensed up at the thought of the gun any gun. "Bella is there something wrong?" I take a deep breath. "No, I'm fine and if I'm going to do that I need to teach you how to use your knife to." He looked at me confused. "My knife! Bella I don't have knife and what are you talking about?" I walked to the back of the jeep and open it. I took out the knife and the case that goes on his belt. "I bought these at the sporting good store while we we're there." I handed them to him.

I grabbed mine and undid my belt and put it on. "This is how you carry it." I explained to him. I bought you something else to and they're not bb guns. I pulled out a small gaming handgun. But paused. I took a deep breath. I was holding back the memory of Mike and what happen.

"This is called a gaming handgun. It is for the purpose to scare off the animals. It will only stunned them. The bb's are bigger then normal." I explained to him.. "This is this holster you carry it in. This you carry on you at all times. Take off your jacket and I'll help you with it. Once I got it on, I put my on. But when I went to go pick up the gun. I held it in my hands and all I could think of is that day with Mike. I fell to my knees. What was going on with me. Why does it have to keep flooding back to me like this.

I felt Edward wrap his arms around me. "Bella it's going to be alright, it's just going to take time to heal." He whispered in my ear. How does he always know, without me telling him. The tears start to fall again.


I held Bella until she was ready to pull away. "How do you always know without me telling you?" She asks as she turns and looks at me. "It was the way you tensed up when I mentioned teaching me how to shoot the gun. Then the way you kept pausing and then you fell to your knees while holding the gun. So I assume that you were thinking about that day with Mike and you got shot. Bella it's normal to feel the way you do you been through so much in just a short amount of time. That I understand and I'm here for you when you need me." I told her.She wrapped her arms around me and started to kiss me. It wasn't a long kiss. "What was that for?" I smiled. "For being understanding and patience with me." I just smiled at her and held her close to me.

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