Finding myself

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   I got up and walked up to Edward.  I reached my hand out for him.  "Come on there something else I need to do and you can be a part of it." Edward took my hand and I pulled him along with me. I looked around just for the right one. Then I seen it.  "Ohh, no not this again."  Edward complain.  "Oh, yes!" I laughed.  "Don't tell me mister all high and mighty is scared of heights!" He smiled and shook his head.

 "Now explained to me why you have to do this." Edward asked me I didn't answer him. I just started climbing the tree. Once I got half way I shouted down to him. "To find myself again, I lost my way and now I have to find my way back!" I started climbing again.  

"Bella you're crazy! I hope you know that." Edward yelled up at me. I just smiled. I could hear Edward start to climb.

 Once I get to almost the top I stop and look out. I heard Edward on the other side of the tree.

"Now how is this suppose to help you find yourself?" He asked me. "Well, when you met me I climbed a tree. It's how I feel normal, myself. To be free. Edward look around tell me what you see."  He takes a deep breath.  " I see the tops of trees, there's water over there." He told me.

"That's what you see. I see the beauty of what the outdoor has to offer. I'm myself." I turned to look Edward.

 "In order to get you to understand and to be able to let you in. You have to know me the real me. You only seen some of it. By climbing this tree or any tree, it's a part of who I am. I'm not going to change for you or anyone else." I look out again. "Bella I don't want you to change, I want to know the real you. I want you to let me in, if anyone needs to change its me. I don't want to be this stuffy all business person, I want to learn to have fun and be more open. I think you're just the right person to do that for me." He told me. I turned and looked at him. “You really want to do this?” I asked him.

 He nods his head. “Then open your eyes and see what's really out there Edward. I mean really open your eyes. You might be surprised at what you see and find to be fun.” I turn and look back out and look  a smile grows on my face. I feel Edward touch the side of my face. “I miss that smile. I hope it stays for awhile. It’s a beautiful smile.” He tells me. I couldn’t help but blush and look up to the sky.

  I hope you're hearing this Rebecca and you're happy wherever you are. I promise you I will open my heart to Edward and let him in. Love you sis! I said in my head and I looked back at Edward and he was actually looking around and then looked at me and smiled. I couldn’t be anymore happier then I was at this moment.

          I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

    I own the rest of the characters and the story.


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