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I woke up with the sun shining in the tent. I laid there wondering what I got myself into. I have never been camping before and I don't know what I was doing. I started to smell coffee and food and it smelled good. I sat up and got dressed. I unzipped the tent and just stood there watching Bella stand there and cook over fire like it was second nature to her. It was like she had a glow to her. She looked up at me and smiled. "Well good morning, did you sleep ok last night?" She asked me, as she walked up with a cup. "Yeah, I guess, thank you for the coffee." I told her after she handed it to me. My phone for some reason started to rang. I took it out of my pocket and looked at it. It was my mother.

"Hello mother." I said. "Hello son, how are you?" I was a little confused at why my mother was calling. "I'm fine, I just woke up." I told her. "Is Bella near you son?" I raised a eyebrow. "Yes she is." I told her, while looking at Bella. "Can I speak with her please son?" My mother asked. "Yeah hold on." I walk up to Bella and she looked at me confused. "It's my mother and she wants to speak with you. I don't know about what. But one thing before you speak to her. Which direction to the restroom again?" I know I was blushing. I'm a men and I'm asking where the restroom is. She told me and I walk off.


After telling Edward where to go and giggling a little, I put the phone up to my ear. "Hello Esme, you wanted to speak to me?" I asked. "Well we both did." She had put it on speaker phone and Carlisle was on the phone also. "We wanted to ask you something being that this was your special trip and everything." I was a little confused of what they wanted. "Yeah, go ahead, I'm listening." I told them.

"Well we try to do something with the kids and we haven't did anything with them yet. Now Edward gone and you are like a daughter to us, well when this camping thing came about." They paused. "Well Carlisle and I started to remember when we were younger, when we went camping and how much we loved it." I put a smile on my face and stopped them.

"You want to meet up and spend some time camping before summer over as a family outing." I told them. "Exactly dear!" She told me. "Not a problem, lets not say anything to Edward though, I want this to be a surprise." I told them to meet us in 7 days and to be waiting and set up before we get there. I planned to leave here tomorrow I wanted to get to the first place to beginning releasing her ashes. Rebecca only made this a stop.

It's just telling Edward is going to be the hard part. He never really been camping before but that's where I feel I should be. Edward finally walks back up and sits at the picnic table. "What did my mother want?" He asked me. "Nothing really, just wanted to know how I was doing and feeling that's all." Edward raised a eyebrow, while he was eating his breakfast.

"Oh." He just said. I grabbed my coffee and turned and sat in my chair and just smiled. I'm glad my chair wasn't facing him. It's later in the day and I talked Edward into going for walk on the trail. "Edward I need to talk to you about something." I told him. "Anything, Bella." He said. "Well I know you really never been camping before and Rebecca only made this a stop for me. But, I really need to go to the next campsite." I heard Edward gasp. So I stopped and turned and looked into his face so I could explain. "Edward, before you freak out let me explain, then I will tell you what I can do to make it simpler please." I waited for him to let me explain.

"Alright, I willing to listen." He said. We started walking again. "There's a reason I know the way there like the back of my hand and why I can describe it, and Rebecca picked it as our first spot to go. Well its are favorite camping spot this time we were going to camp by the river. Then just explore things like we wanted to. She told me if I found a tree that I wanted to climb just climb it, there wouldn't be no one to stop me this time. This time it was our turn just to let us to be free, to just everything of the everyday life and stresses just go and just do what we want and have fun, and what better place to start our release is in our very favorite spot. There's a beautiful waterfall up there. I feel such a pull to be there that I know in my heart I need to be there. To make it easier on you well I need to stop at a lumber yard, and I can make a better shower. Set up, and a shelter for the portable bathroom. I can do a couple of other things to. I like to leave tomorrow though." I explained him.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now