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Bella pov

I was on the phone with Rebecca. She was my best friend along with Jacob Black who is now Rebecca Andrews boyfriend. We grew up together. My parents were always gone for business all the time. This time they have been gone for almost two weeks. They said they got invited to some royal family business, the Cullen family. They come from some land or country or something.

You see them on the news once in awhile. They have 3 kids. Emmett, Edward, and Alice. I guess Alice and Edward are twins the story tells, Emmett is the oldest but chose not to be next in line for duke or king whatever it is.

Well that put their son Edward next in line. Sure he gorgeous, but that doesn't matter to me because I have a good life sort of. He probably got beautiful woman dropping at his feet. Me I'm not beautiful I hate dresses. I love climbing trees and camping. It's my favorite thing to do. So I am happy with my life being single and being a tomboy.

"So, Bells there's going to be a great party tonight why don't you come out with Jacob and me tonight?" She asked me. "Who's party is it Becca?" I asked her, hoping it's not Jessica. "It's at Riley's house." I shook my head. He's been after me for years. "Becca you know how I feel about him!" I hear her sigh. "Plleeeaaassseee Bella, just hang out with us!" She begs me and I knew she wasn't going to give up either. "Alright I will go. Just let me jump in the shower and get ready." I could hear Rebecca jumping for joy. "Alright, be there at 9 to come get you. You won't regret this." Why do I got this bad feeling I will.

We arrived at the party a little after 9:30. "Bella what do you want to drink?" Jacob asked me. "Just a beer please!" I told him. "Rebecca look who the cat dragged in." We looked at the door. We watched Jessica and Lauren walk in. Jessica was the captain of the cheerleading squad and Lauren was co captain. "They think there god gift to men!" Rebecca told me.

"Who thinks there god gift to men?" Jacob asked. I laughed. "Jessica and Lauren does Jacob." He let out a laugh. "That's a load of crock. You 2 are so much better looking than them." I turned and glared at Jacob. "Rebecca yes, me not even close." I told him. "Bella when are you going to realize and see that you are beautiful." Jacob and Rebecca said to me at the same time. I turned and look at them. "You 2 need glasses because I sure don't know what you see and that will be never. I'm going to the bathroom." I told them.

This place had a lot of people here it was taking a while to get to the bathroom. "Well look who's here, it's Ms. Clumsy herself, so where is your bodyguards at?" Jessica is a pain in my ass. "I don't need bodyguards or do I need to refresh your memory Jessica?" She rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you come to these parties no guys will ever want you, look at you." I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Bella there you are I been looking for you I heard you were here." Riley says.

Great first Jessica now Riley and he's drunk. "Riley don't touch me please and for you Jessica if you don't shut your mouth my fist is going to be in it." Jessica rolled her eyes. "Bella you are just full of it." I threw my hand back but someone grabbed it. "Bella do you really think your going to hit Jessica?" I turned and looked and it was Lauren. "Yeah after I take this fist and hit you with it." I turned and hit Lauren right in the jaw, as soon as she let go of my hand it went flying into Jessica nose.

I turned and went to go find Jacob and Rebecca and Riley steps in front of me. "Where do you think your going?" He wraps his arms around me and grabs my ass and tries to kiss me. My knee comes up and hit him in the nuts. "Don't think for a minute Riley Biers that your lips are going to be touching mine or any part of me and do not ever touch me again." I pushed him out of my way I may of been buzzed but I needed to get out of here before I killed someone.

"There you guys are we need to leave now!" They looked at me. "What you do Bella?" Rebecca asked me. "Do you really have to ask that." Then we heard Riley. "Bella I love my woman rough come back here so I can get you alone and you can beat me all you want." Jacob and Rebecca eyes got wide. "We're leaving now before Bella kills him or I do." Jacob says as he pulls us out to the car.

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