Edward finding out the full truth about Tanya

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We pulled into Tanya campsite. "You stay put!" He told me. He got out and walked over to Tanya. I rolled down the window to listen to them. "Tanya I want know now if when we were together if you cheated on me?" The look on her face was priceless. "Where did you hear that from?" Tanya asked him. "Not important, just answer the question." He said but he was firm about it. She then looked at me and I smiled at her. Edward turned around and looked at me and I had a straight face. He never knew that I had grinned at her.

"How can you believe a word she says, she was never around when we were together." I saw Edward hands balling up into a fist. "Tanya, I said answer the question." I can see the wheels turning her head trying to figure out where I would of heard it from. "She's a liar Edward." Oh no she didn't just call me a liar that bitch better watch it or I'll give her more what I gave her earlier.

"TANYA, DID YOU CHEAT ON ME?" Edward finally demand. This isn't good Edward was getting angry. Tanya got up and walked up to Edward and put her arms around him. I got out of the jeep and slammed the door. I saw Edward jump. I saw him trying to push her away but she kept it up.

I crossed my arms. "TANYA JUST ANSWER HIS DAMN QUESTION AND WHILE YOU'RE AT WHY DON'T YOU TELL HIM AT THE SAME TIME YOU'RE TRYING TO GET HIM BACK THAT YOU WERE KISSING ON THAT GUY THAT JUST WALKED AWAY FROM HERE!" I snapped out. I was getting furious with her head games she was playing with Edward and I was slowly growing to really hate her. But I knew this much, I just much I just met her today and I hated her!

"Umm, well you expect me to wait for you. I would of dumped him if you took me back." My mouth dropped open, I couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. Plus she was avoiding the main question. "Did you cheat on me Tanya?" Edward asked again. "Where did you hear this from anyways. Why am I being accused of this?" I've had enough of her avoiding the question. "I told him! I was in the restroom when I overheard you and your friend there talking about it. I thought Edward had a right to know." Her face turned red with anger and she ran at me and I went flying into the jeep. Ouch! That actually hurt.

"You bitch, I can't believe you told him. You're nothing but a scum sucking whore!" I got up off the ground and let my fist started flying. Everyone was yelling at us but Tanya and I was to pisst off and fist flying to hear them. She went to run at me and I picked my leg up and bent it at just the right time and with just the right amount of force I launch my leg straight and she went falling. I walked over to her but this time she caught me off guard slammed me again in the mouth. She then hit me with something sharp on my arm. I looked down and there was blood. Out of the corner of my eye I seen Tanya come at me. I reach for the hand she had the knife in and took it out of her hand and threw. "Just a little pointer bitch, if your going to use a knife in a fight learn how to use it the right way and maybe next time it wouldn't be so easy to take it away.

I take my foot and wrap it around her leg and knock her down to the ground. I finally go to walk away because I wanted to and get away from Tanya. I was almost to the jeep when Tanya said. "So what if I cheated on Edward. But at least I'm not ugly like you and I'm not going to stop until you're gone from Edward life." I turned around and went to go after her again and I was grabbed around waist. "ARRRGGGHH!" Edward put me in the passenger seat and put my seatbelt and went and got into the driver seat and drove away.

We drove for a while until Edward pulled off the highway and pulled into motel. He got out and went into the office. I was still angry. I sat with my arms crossed. He finally walked back out but he also had a bag to. He got back into the jeep and went and park in front of a motel room.

He walked in the room and didn't come out. I stayed out in the jeep. After about an hour Edward walked out and opened up the passenger side door. He looked at me for a moment then unbuckle my seatbelt and took me by the arm and lead me into the motel room. He sat me down on the bed. Then started to pace around and stopped in front of me. He took his hand and ran it through his hair. "I have never in my entire life time met such a stubborn ass person as you. What the hell were you thinking Bella? And where did you learn to fight like that?" He started to pace again.

I didn't know rather to yell at him or to laugh at him. I was still angry but I wasn't angry with him. So I started to laugh at him. He stopped and looked at me so confused. "What so funny?" He asked me. "You!" His eyes went big. "What?" It just made me laugh even more. "Edward, Jacob taught me how to fight. And I just couldn't help myself from laughing at you. The look on your face and you pacing the floor well I just couldn't help it." He just stood there and stared at me. "Bella your arm it's bleeding." I looked down and seen the blood on my arm. I rolled up my sleeve and there was a cut there. It was still bleeding. "Oh crap!" I started to breath heavy.

"Bella focus on me not the blood. Come on I need to clean it to see how deep it is." He helped me into the bathroom and sat me down on the toilet. He got a wash rag wet and started to wash it. "It's deep but not really deep enough for stitches." I looked up at him. "Edward in the first aid kit I bought is everything you'll need for this. Like butterfly stitches and other stuff." I told him. He walked out of the bathroom and I heard the door. I wasn't paying attention because I went deep in thought about how Tanya accused me of being a liar and how she wasn't going to stop until Edward and I are not together.

All of a sudden I flinch in pain and look down at my arm and Edward is cleaning it out. I looked up at him and I was just trying to figure out what he saw in me. I just don't understand it at all. I'm no one special. I mean Tanya is right about me not being pretty. I hate wearing dresses. So how the hell do they expect me to be a princess. "Ouucchh!!" I back away when he touch the side of my mouth.

"Sorry!" Edward tells me, then gently goes back and washes the blood off my face.
"You are going to feel this in the morning. Bella what were you thinking?" I look up at him.
"That's just it, I wasn't thinking. I was so angry for what she did to you and what she was saying about me that I wanted to just hurt her. I will do it again to." Edward laughs. "I believe you would. Remind me to think Jacob for teaching you how to fight." He shakes his head.

"How is your side and back. You hit the jeep pretty hard when Tanya came at you." I lifted my shirt to look at my side. "Well that's going to hurt in the morning!" Edward looked at me confused. I stood up and lifted the side of my shirt and showed him the big bruise. He gently touches it. " Oh Bella, turn so I can look at your back." I turned and he lifted up my shirt. "It's just as bruised up." He told me. I walked out of the bathroom and went and got my bag.

I grabbed some clean clothes and shower stuff. "I'll go get us some dinner." I just nod and went into the bathroom and shut the door. I got undress. I looked in the mirror at my bruise and I knew that my face was going to be sore but worth it. I heard a noise out in the other room. I knew it couldn't be Edward because he just left. I wrapped the towel around me and opened the door slowly.

I walked out slowly and look. I only saw the back of them but the person had long strawberry blond hair. I gasped trying to figure out how she found us much less why?

I do not own own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and my story.

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