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It's been a week and I been happy and hopeful for once. We had decided to stay here for 2 weeks then finish the camping trip where I was suppose to go for my last spot to spread Rebecca ashes. Edward and I decided to take a walk through the park. We were talking when I noticed Edward had stopped. I stopped and turned and he was standing there frozen.

"Edward what is it?" I heard female voices behind me. Edward just stood there frozen. I turned and looked to where he was looking. It was at two females. One had long strawberry blond hair and she was very beautiful. The other was also beautiful and she had long brunette hair. They could be models. I watched as they finally seen Edward and the strawberry blond said. "Well look who it is, my ex boyfriend!" They walked by me and the strawberry blond pushed me out of the way.

I balled my hands into fist. Then heard Edward speak. "Hello Tanya, hello Lauren." My mouth dropped open. "So why you here Edward, you're not the type to lets say rough it?" The strawberry blond asks. "I'm here with my fiance camping." He spoke up. "So this is why you broke up with me? So where is this fiance of yours?" He dumped her before I came. I cleared my throat to let them know I was right behind them. But now I was also angry with Edward.

They turned and looked at me. "You gotta be kidding Edward? You dumped me for this?" She walks over to me and looks down at me. "Look at you. You're so short, you're not even pretty." She shakes her head. I tighten my fist and was trying so hard not to blow my top. I felt an arm around my waist. It was Edward. "Tanya, please that's enough. I won't have you speaking to Bella like that. Now if you excuse us we will be on our way. Bella come on." Edward takes my arm and pulls me to him to get me to walk. Once we were far enough away he spoke. "I think I need to explain some stuff to you.." I stop him.

"Save it I don't want to hear it right now." I walked ahead of him and ignored him. I have told him everything and I realized he hasn't told me hardly anything about himself. We get back to the campsite and I sit in front of the fire. I can't believe he dumped her for me. "Bella, please let me explain." He tried to get my attention. But I had to know. "Do you love her?" I heard no answer. I stood up in front of him. "I WANT TO KNOW DO YOU LOVE HER?"

I do not own all the characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does. I own the other characters and the story.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now