saying goodbye

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I woke up this morning, knowing what I had to do. I knew it was going to be hard but I have to do this in order to find myself. I grabbed the last of Rebecca ashes. "You ready?" Edward asked as he held out his hand. "Ready as I will ever be." I told him as I took his hand. We hiked up the trail. We came to a lookout point. We stopped and Edward reaches in his hand inside his jacket.

He hands me a envelope. "Your suppose to read that before you release the last of her ashes. I will give you some time. I'll just be right over there." I watched him walk away. I sat down beside a tree. I took a deep breath and open up the the letter.

Dearest Bella,

I know if you're reading this letter, something happen before I could even tell you or help you.

I had a bad feeling something bad was going to happen, I just didn't know when. By now you're probably asking how did I know to open your heart and never change who you are. Yes I knew about Edward. I knew for awhile now. I overheard your parents talking about it. I confronted them about it and they begged me not to tell you. I knew you weren't ready to hear it anyways.

Your probably with Edward now. Plus if I know you. You lost yourself along the way. It's because you don't know how to open your heart. You seen so much bad all your life that you blocked yourself from feeling love from anyone. I know you don't know how to open your heart and your saying you will try. But you have to do more then try girl. You need to find yourself again and just maybe you can change Edward and loosen him up.

Remember that song by Andy Griggs if heaven. Think of that song as you release the last of my ashes. Then you'll know I'm in heaven and it's time to say goodbye and to finally let me go.

I will always be in your heart, just remember I love you and now it's time. Never change baby sister.

Love you sis always
It's time to let me go now.


I folded up the letter and put it in my pocket. I thought of that song and started singing it just so she know. I released the last of Rebecca ashes at the same time.

If heaven was an hour it would be twilight
When the fireflies start their dancing on the lawn
And supper's on the stove and mama's laughing
And everybody's working day is done

If heaven was a town, it would be my town
Oh on a summer day in 1985
And everything I wanted is out there waiting
And everyone I loved is still alive

Don't cry a tear for me now, baby
There comes a time we all must say goodbye
And if that's what heaven's made of
You know I, I ain't afraid to die

If heaven was a pie, it would be cherry
So cool and sweet and heavy on the tongue
And just one bite would satisfy your hunger
And there'd always be enough for everyone

If heaven was a train, it sure would be a fast one
That could take this weary traveler 'round the bend
If heaven was a tear, it'd be my last one
And you'd be in my arms again

Don't cry a tear for me now, baby
There comes a time we all must say goodbye
And if that's what heaven's made of
You know I, I ain't afraid to die

Yeah, if that's what heaven's made of
You know I, I ain't afraid to die

I kneeled to the ground. It was so hard to not shed a tear. But I did. Saying goodbye is hard.

"For you Rebecca I will find myself again and I will only then be able to open my heart fully. I love you Rebecca and you will always be in my heart. This isn't good bye though. This is see you later until it's my time to see you again dear sister."

I got up and walked up to Edward. I reached my hand out for him. "Come on, there something else I need to do and you can be a part of it." Edward took my hand and I pulled him along with me. I looked around just for the right one. Then I seen it. "Ohh, no not this again." Edward complain.

I do not own all my characters Stephenie Meyers does.
I own the rest of the characters and the story

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