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We landed at the airport and the pilot came out. "Welcome to Isle Esme, Ms. Swan." I look at him funny. "Isle what?" I asked him. "Isle Esme named after our great queen Esme. Now her great great great granddaughter is named after her." The pilot holds his hand out and I take it. "I heard about your accident Ms. Swan and I'm so sorry that you loss your best friend. Oh please forgive me! I'm so sorry, but my name is Michael, I maybe a pilot but I will also be your personal butler." He told me.

As we step off the plane I started seeing flashes from cameras. "What the hell!" I cover my face up. "I hate to ask this Ms. Swan." I interrupt him. "Please call me Bella." I told him. "Well I hate to ask you this Bella, knowing that you were in an accident, but can you run?" He asked me. "I can sure try like hell if I can call you Mike?" He looks at me and smiles. We both took off and ran for the limo, and got in. I started to laugh. "Are you alright Bella?" Mike asked. "Yes and no Mike, it hurts to run and I can't believe I'm doing this." I just stay quiet looking out the window ignoring my parents the rest of the car ride to where it was taking me.

We finally pulled into this huge driveway. "Bella we're here." Mike told me. "Where are we?" I asked. "Castle Greensboro." I gasp when I saw it. It was very big I would get lost in there. It would be 5 of my houses or more. "Bella you will behave and follow us when we get inside." My mother told me. I shot an evil glare at her. I wanted to get as far away as possible from them as I could get.

The car comes to a stop. My parents and Mike step out. Mike holds out his hand. I take it of course. There are a line of people standing next to the stairs. "Welcome Ms. Swan." They tell me. I stop and turn to them. "Thank you but for now on just please call me Bella." I told them. Mike tugs me a little to follow him.

We walked inside. "It's so beautiful and hugggeeee." He chuckles. "Bella come with us please!" I looked at my parents giving them an angry expression. I must of squeezed Michael hand because he spoke up. "Bella would you like me to take you to your room so you can freshen up from your long trip, before meeting the Cullen's." I turned to him and smiled at Michael. "Yes, I would please and thank you!" I turned back to my parents and just gave them such an evil glare. Michael let go of my hand. "Follow me then please, Bella." It felt like it took us forever to get to my new room. Michael finally stopped in front of a door. He opens up the doors. "Your new living quarters Bella I hope it's to your liking." I walk in and Michael closes the door behind him.

It looks like a living room and mini dining room, almost like a apartment. I stood there amazed at how big and beautiful it is. "Bella if you walk through that set of double doors there, that's where your sleeping quarters are." I walk up very slowly to the doors and open them. "You gotta be kidding me I love it!" I said out loud.

There was a king size black cherry banister bed. The room had my favorite colors, maroon and black. But how did they know. I seen 2 more doors. I walked up to one and opened it and it was a big bathroom. The bathtub and shower were separate.

I went to the other door and open it and it was a walk in closet. It was kind of empty though. "You and maybe my sister Alice will have to go shopping to get new clothes. When you're ready of course." I jumped. I didn't recognize the voice that said that. So I turned around very slowly to see who spoke to me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you but Michael called me and told me you were kind of mad or upset with your parents." He was tall and had reddish brown hair. He had the most beautiful green eyes I ever seen and I could get lost in them. He stayed fit that was for sure. I stayed quiet not saying anything at first. "I'm Edward Cullen and I'm guessing you're Isabella Swan." He asked me.

I walk slowly back around the bed and stop against the banister post. I leaned on it to hold me up I was starting to really hurt now. "Bella." I finally said. "Excuse me I didn't hear you." I didn't know if he was being rude or it was the way it sounded. "Call me Bella please! I'm sorry I'm just all of sudden not feeling good." I turn and walk off to the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now