getting ready to go to school

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    I can't believe we have to leave soon and go to school. I still have nightmares. Edward on the other hand has been the greatest though.

 Today we were just goofing off while getting stuff packed up.  I decided to sneak up behind him and scare him but it didn't work out too well.

 Instead he scared me. I took off running though and he chased after me. I ran on the other side of the creek.

  I grinned because the whole time we been here he would not cross it. Then I seen this smile on him I never seen before.

"Edward, what is that look about?" I giggled. I walked along the edge of the creek watching him. But he turned around and walked back up to the campsite.

  I looked at him confused. What does he have up his sleeve.  I finally walk back over and busy myself and just kept myself occupy for while. I had decided to walk back down to the water since  everything was almost  packed up.

  I couldn't believe it. This was our last night here. Tomorrow we get on the plane and I head back to life. I gasp realizing that this was all going to be all new to me and it's scary. I wrap my arms around my stomach in fear.

"Bella are you alright?" he asked me.  "No, I'm scared to death actually! I don't know what is expected of me at this new school.  This all so different to me."  Edward wraps his arms around me. "I just want you to be yourself Bella. You don't have to put on no special act for no one. Just be yourself. I will be there every step of the way. When I can of course."

  He gives me my favorite crooked smile. Then it changed to the look he had earlier today.

"Edward, there's that look again, I don't think I like that look. What are you up to?"  The next thing I knew he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"EDWARD CULLEN YOU PUT ME DOWN!" I start laughing. "Nope!" He says. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "Not telling you?" He told me. "UGH!" He started to laugh. I don't know how long he been walking but finally he set me down.

  I cross my arms in front of me and tap my foot. He just stood there and smiled. "You can wipe the smile off your face, or I'll make your ass climb a tree." In that instance it looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. I about lost it in laughter but held it back.

  "Bella turn around and look will you." I looked at him confused. "If you are playing any funny tricks on me so help me Edward Cullen." I turn around and look out and seen such a beautiful sunset. "Edward it's so beautiful. How did you find this?" He come up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

  "On one of my walks I spotted it. But you're wrong about one thing. It's not as beautiful as you are." I played slapped his arm. "You really need to get your eyes checked." I laughed. We walked back to the campsite and sat by the fire.

   "Edward can you just make me one promise, but I ask that this promise if possible never be broken." Edward looks at me confused. "But you said don't make promises." He told me. "Well I'm kind of trusting you to this one. That we can go camping again like this and just maybe our kids someday. I would love to teach them what I know."

 "You mean teach them to become monkeys like you."  I turned and looked at Edward and gave him a corky smile. "So I'm a monkey and what’s wrong with that?" I laugh. He just mumbles. "Edward Cullen are we still afraid of heights?" He looks at me. "I promise, but I plead the fifth." I broke out laughing.  I woke up the next morning not wanting to get out of bed.

 Tears started to fall only because I didn't want to this to end. But it would also be a new beginning for me. I could think of it as a fresh start. I'm also scared of my mind. I do not know nobody there. Except for Edward and his sister. The witch Tanya. "Hmm! This is going to be an interesting year. Maybe I might get to do some ass kicking. I started to smile and laugh. I thought about the last run in we had with her. "What are your grinning and laughing about?" I heard Edward ask.

 "Oh, the last run in with the witch and the possible ass kicking I might have to do this year." Edward quirk an eyebrow. "As much as I would love to see that, let's not get kick out." He chuckled. I got up and we finished packing up everything we took one last walk. I stop in front of tree and looked up. I smiled and decided I was going to climb. Just for fun. "Swan, what  is that smile about?" I just ignored Edward. Because this time I didn't care if he came or not.

 I jumped and got a hold of the branch and up I went. "My damn monkey!" I giggled at what he said. Once I was up I looked around. It was so beautiful. The next thing I felt was something on my hand.  I turned and looked it was Edward. I smiled. "It sure is beautiful, but not as beautiful as my monkey is!"  I burst out laughing. "Monkey, really Edward?" He smile. "Yep, my little monkey." He leaned over and gave me a kiss. "Come on monkey we got a plane to catch." I smile and shake my head.

  I do not own all my characters Stephenie Meyer does.

    I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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