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    I opened my eyes and I smelled coffee and something else. Eggs, did Edward actually cook breakfast this morning. I got up and got dressed. I decided to just brush my hair and leave it down today. I walk out of the tent and grab a cup of coffee. "Good morning Edward!" I said. "Good morning Bella!" Edward said handing me a plate of food. He made a ham and cheese omelet with potatoes on the side. "Thank you Edward!" I told him. "Your welcome Bella!" He said still facing away.

 I know it's been a few days since we been here, but I wonder what is wrong with Edward. He seems irritated or grumpy. "Edward, is there anything you like to do today?" I asked him. "Ummm, how about hiking up to the waterfall you keep talking about." I thought about it a minute. "Sure, I can take Rebecca ashes and release some there like she asked me to. If that's ok with you Edward?" He nods in agreement. I still keep wondering what is up with him.


  It's been a few days now. I don't know what’s going on with me. I dream about Bella now and think about her even when she's not around. When we touch it's like a electrical shock goes through my body. I have never felt like this in my entire life time. Not even with Tanya. I'm so confused right now and I don't know how to think. I know Bella senses something wrong. I haven't even looked at her this morning. I got my backpack ready and walked out of my tent to see Bella standing there. Her hair was down for the first time. She looked so beautiful standing there. I couldn't move.


   I finish packing my bag and look up to see Edward staring at me. "Ummm, Edward is something wrong?" I asked him. "No, I just never seen you with your hair down, it looks nice." He told me. "Thank you!" I was blushing in embarrassment. "Come on let's get going." I told him. As we were hiking I was thinking about what he had said about my hair and how he was looking at me. I didn't know what to think of it. One minute he was like in a mood like he was grouchy or something. The next he staring at me like he like me. I don't know, it's confusing.

 Damn it! I just wish I knew what was going on in his stubborn head. I mean I have to marry him. I don't even know what it's like to have a boyfriend much less what love is. I’m scared to death to be in any a relationship after seeing what Rebecca went through. We get to the falls and I almost forgot how beautiful it was. I heard Edward gasp. I turned and looked and looked at him.

 His mouth was open and then he says, "It's so beautiful!" I smiled. "Now you know why she picked this spot and as the first place to spread some of her ashes. It's so if I ever come back here there will always be a piece of her always here." I told him.

  Tears started to the fall my eyes. I set down my bag and open up the can and grabbed a small handful of the ashes and walked over to the edge of where the waterfall was hitting the water. "Rebecca I'm so glad and understand why you're doing this. You wanted us to make this trip and to leave just a part of you behind and so you are always here. You may not be standing beside as a person, but you will always be in my heart, I love you Rebecca. You will always be a sister to me." I opened my hand and let the breeze blow out of my hand on it's own. After it was gone, I fell to my knees and wrapped my arms around my stomach and just cried.

 It felt like I also lost a part of myself to, but I know I didn't. I could feel Edward hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" Edward asked. "I'm fine!" I told him. "It's just hard for me." I explained to him. He took his hand off my shoulder. I turned and watched him walk away I don't know what is going on with him. I'm not going to ask him, because I don't know how to approach him about it.

   After a while of silence. I told him that we needed to get back. It's the next day and Edward had breakfast made again. I had gotten dressed and put only the sides of my hair in a braid which went back into one single one laying on top of the rest of the hair I left down.I walked out. I thanked Edward for breakfast again. He was still quite. I went and grabbed the life vest and threw it to Edward. "Come on we're going canoeing." I told him.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now