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I couldn't believe what I just heard. We heard Bella scream. We were all talking of how we go about getting searchers and where to start our our search when a ranger brings in Riley. Jacob raced his wheelchair over and reached up and grabbed him.

"What you do with my sister you asshole. I swear if you hurt her I will kill you myself so help me." Jacob growled out in anger.

"Hey, I'm just the tag along this time. This is all Mike. He wants Bella bad." Riley said. Jacob released him. "Bella told me about him. How he only went out with Rebecca and abused her to. But only to be with Bella." I told everyone. "That's not all!" Jacob said. "He's right, you think what I did when I was drunk. God I feel so bad about that to. But when I attacked Bella well he did ten times worse. If it wasn't for me and Jacob he would of killed her that day." Riley explained.

My poor Bella. "If you guys will let me I want to do what's right and I want to help find her. Please!" Riley pleaded. I walked up to him. "You need to know one thing though. She's mine and don't even ever think or try to get her for yourself." I told him. "You don't have to worry about that bro, I just want Bella safe. Beside you seem to be a good guy. Oh yeah Mike's armed to!" He told us.I was freaking out on the inside. Of what he might do to Bella.


I walked with my hands tied behind my back and he tied something in my mouth. I was scared out of my mind. "Stop! It's time to take a break." Mike said. I going to take the gag off you scream or anything it's going back on understand me." He told me. I just nodded. He took it off. "Here drink some water." He held the water and tips it up. I take it.

"Mike why are you helping Riley?" I asked him. "Oh let's just say I want a piece of the action. You know I always wanted you. So I jumped on the chance. Now get up and start walking. He told me. I beginning to think Riley has nothing to do with this now that it's all Mike. He shoves me forward. I got to think of something to get away from him somehow.


As campers came and friends and Rebecca family showed up volunteers to help search for Bella. I went and talked to Jacob before I set off. "Hey Jacob!" I said. "Edward, I don't know how to thank you for bringing them here." He told me. "I thought it only right you are like a brother to her." I told him."Thank you! I wish I could help you search but I'm stuck in this stupid thing." He said. "Jacob you are helping just by being here and that will mean more to Bella then you know." I told him. "Edward bring back my sister to me please." Jacob said. "I will." I told him. I walked off and started the search.


"Mike can we stop please I need a break." I told him. He finally let us. "Can you untie my hands please. I got to go to the bathroom. I promise I won't do anything I won't even run." I told him. He gave in. Don't go far I do have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it." He told me. "I believe you." I told him.

I walked and hid behind a tree. As I went I dug out my phone out of my jacket and hurried and texted Edward. I quickly put it back. I also made a marker to let them know I where I was at and I came back out. "Good start walking." He told me. I'm just waiting for a chance to run.


As I'm walking with my father searching for Bella my phone goes off. I look and it was a text message.

From Bella: Edward, Mike has me I don't know where he taking me. I'm going to try and get away I don't know how or even when. I going to leave marks of where we been looked for them.

"Dad it's from Bella. She going to try and get away. But she going to leave marks to look for of where they been." I told him. "Edward I hope she doesn't try anything stupid though. I don't want her to get hurt. All I could do is hope we find her." He told me.


I don't know how much Mike could push us. It's dark now. "Mike we need to stop it's dark and we can get hurt up here if we." He hits me which sent me to the ground. "You act like you're so smart." He snapped out. Then he kick me. I got up and ran at Mike and knocked him off his feet. I got one hit to before he kicked me off of him and he was on top of me "Get off of me asshole." I told him. "What's the matter you don't like me this close?" He asked me.
I raised my knee and nailed him in the balls. "NO, I DON'T!" I go to get up and I seen the gun. "So what you going to shoot me Mike?" I asked him. Getting up I try to walk away. "Bella you're not going anywhere." He told me. I turned around and he had a gun pointed at me. I quickly pushed the gun away and it went off.


My father went back but I stay out looking I wasn't going to give up on looking for Bella. We found some marks she been leaving. I walked what seemed like forever. When I heard a gun go off. My heart sank. It was like I went into overdrive. I tried to go in the direction the gun went off in. When all of sudden I got knocked over. I look to what knocked me over and there starring at me was the most beautiful brown eyes. "Bella!" I grabbed her face between hands. "Edward, I'm so sorry." She said.

"Are you hurt?" I asked. "A little, but we need to go now." She told me. We got up and I took her by her hand and lead the way. We kept going until we found another searcher who could radio someone.

"Bella, Edward follow me I can get you out." Leah said when we met up with her. Once we got to level ground a forest service jeep was waiting and took us back to the campground. "Bella there's someone here you need to see." I told her.


When Edward told me there was someone I needed to see when we got back I walked slowly around the camper that wasn't here this morning. I walked in and there was Jacob. "Jacob but how, why?" He looked up. "Bella, my god they found you thank god!" I ran over to him and hugged him. He pulled me down into his lap and took my face into his hands. "Edward got me here. You think I wouldn't be here to help in some way to find my sister." He told me.

"Did Mike hurt you?" He asked me. "A little." I told him. "Bella why is there blood coming from your shoulder?" He asked me. "What are you talking about Jacob?" I asked him. "Bella, your shoulder is bleeding." He said.


I waited outside of trailer while Bella was talking to Jacob "EDWARD COME IN PLEASE!" I heard Jacob call me. I open the door. "What is it Jacob?" I asked. "Why is Bella shoulder bleeding?" He asked me. "What?" I asked. "Bella did you get hit?" I asked. "I don't think so." She said. "Don't move Bella!" I told her. I removed her jacket and her left side of her shirt was covered with blood. Jacob and I looked at each other. "Bella I heard a gun go off what happen?" I asked her. "Mike and I were fighting and he pointed a gun at me I shoved it out of my face and it went off. I took off running and then I ran into you." She told us. I unbuttoned her shirt and slid it gently off her shoulder! There it was a bullet hole in her shoulder.

Bella looked. "Oh would you look at that I did get hit." She passed out. I picked her up and carried her out. "Edward what's going on?" He asked "Dad just get help now." Jacob was right behind me. Leah came running up. "Edward get her up to the office. We need to get her to the hospital." I nodded my head. Once up there she called and ambulance. They were still searching for Mike. Once they got there they took Bella from my arms and took her from me. Once again my Bella was being rushed away from me in a ambulance. I went and got in the jeep Jacob and I followed behind the ambulance.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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