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    As we load the plane I think back at my life and how I got I to here. I know I will be back, I will not change who I am for anyone. I will try my damnest not to let that happen. I'm scared to death for what awaits me in my new life ahead.

  I don't have Rebecca any more, but I know she will always be there to listen and watch over me. Plus she will always be in my heart. I know Jacob is only a phone call away, but it would not be the same without being able to see him any more.

   But I hope with Edward help I can still keep pushing forward and keep  trying to open my heart and maybe one day I will know what is to truly love someone. "Hey what are you so deep in thought about?" Edward asked me. "Nothing really." I lied but smiled so Edward would not ask me anymore about it. I finally fell asleep.

 I like to thank everyone who really love this story. Without my fans, my stories and your nice comments. I would've not gotten so far as I did. I will have the sequel hopefully up soon.

  Arrange marriage the school year. I hope you like it as well as you like this.

    I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

  I own the rest of the characters and the story.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now