Making a decision

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I was still here remembering everything up until now. I remember Edward walking out of restroom and rest area and how hot he looked. Alright I'm a teenage girl just because I'm trying to decide to open my heart don't mean I can't see how damn gorgeous Edward is.

Remembering the look he gave me when I had a doughnut stuck in my mouth though was funny as hell. I started to laugh a little just thinking about it and how he surrender when I asked him who been camping before.


I started to laugh at him and got two big tents but not really big ones. When I walked by to get the air beds, I gave him a smartass look. The look on his face was so funny. I broke out into a full blown laugh. I grabbed the air beds and two different air pumps. We went to cooking aisle for the camp cooking stuff. I pretty much grabbed everything I could get my hands on. "You know how to cook?" He asked me. I turned and looked at him wide eyed in surprise he even ask me that "You be surprise what I can do with a fire, a grill, a camp stove even a candle if need be Edward Cullen." I told him. His mouth dropped wide open. "Close your mouth Edward it doesn't look good. I started to laugh again. "Umm, you might want to go get another cart though." I told him while pointing out to the almost full cart. While he went to get another cart I walked over to where the guns were. I start picking up the shot guns and looking them over. I finally decided on one and got a couple boxes of shells I went to the counter and I filled out the paperwork for the gun. "You have a licence to carry one little lady?" I pull out my wallet and handed him everything he needed. I looked up and saw the bb gun that looked like a pistol but it was camouflaged. "Can I see that please?" I pointed up to it and the clerk took it down for me. I looked at the box. "What's your take on it?" I asked him. "Well it's good to scare off the little pest like the raccoons and skunks." He told me. "Can I get that side harness for it please and a big jar of bb's please!" He gave them to me. Edward finally came back with another cart.

"What you doing?" Edward looked at me and asked. "Waiting for the registration for the gun and making sure I have no felonies. Good you're back you need to get a fishing licence and gun registration to." I told him. "Alright I'm not asking why we need those but I'm doing it." I laugh at him. "Keep it quiet he's a prince that's never been camping." I told the clerk. Edward filled out the paperwork and gave him his driver's license and passport. The clerk looks at it. "You're not joking!" The clerk says. I started to laugh really hard. He gave us everything we needed. "Sir word of advice you better listen to everything she says." He tells Edward pointing to me. Edward looked at him confused but he just nodded. I just giggled. I started to laugh at how I go and find the biggest first aid kit they have with my clumsy ass and made sure there was extra. I finally met up with Edward. His eyes got big. "Not a word!" I told him while I pointed at him. He just shook his head and laughed.

When we got out to the jeep I had Edward pull out the coolers and the stuff we bought to put food in so it don't get wet. He handed me a couple storage boxes that we bought for food. Then he put it all back in the jeep. I hopped into the driver's seat and looked at the map for the first camping site. I set the map beside me and headed back north. "Bella you do realize your going north back towards Forks right." He told me. "I know a way around Forks so zip it." He starts laughing at me. "Keep it up and you're going to pay for laughing at me Cullen." He starts laughing again. I reached down and turn on the radio to a country station. I been driving for a couple hours and pulled into a rest area.

I go to the back and pull a pair of jeans I bought from walmart and a tank top a flannel and a few other things. I put them in my bag. I grab my hiking boots and go set them on the driver seat. I look up to Edward watching me. He gives me a confused looked and I just roll my eyes. "I suggest you do the same Cullen. It may seem warm but it does get a little chilly." I throw him a baseball cap. "You might want to wear that to. People around here watch a lot of tv." I told him.

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