Confronting Tanya with the truth

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I woke up sleeping in the back seat and feeling the jeep moving. Edward had the heat on. I thought about last night and how I got back here. I smiled to myself. I sat up and wrapped my arms around Edward's neck and kissed his cheek. "Hey, there sleeping beauty." He put one hand on my arm. "How long you been driving?" I asked him as I let go of him and climbed into the front seat and fasten my seat belt.

"Oh since about 4 o'clock this morning. I couldn't sleep. So I decided to get a start on driving to the spot you picked out on the map." I looked at the clock on the radio and it was noon. "Snap! I must of been tired." Edward laughed. "I wouldn't doubt it after fighting Tanya like you did yesterday. How do you feel?" He reached over and cupped my cheek. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his touch. "I'm really sore but nothing I can't handle. Would you stop at the next truck stop please! I really need a shower, seems how I didn't get one because of miss bitch."

Edward growled, and took his hand away. I turned and he had that angry look on his face again. "Shit!" I said in a low whisper and slammed my head back. I did it again. Things go so right and in an instant I ruin it. I unbuckle my seatbelt and climbed back into the back seat.
I laid back down and covered myself with the sleeping bag but I made sure my head was covered so Edward couldn't see me cry. I can't believe I just made him mad again. I need to learn just to keep my big mouth shut!

I feel the jeep stop and hear the door shut. "AGGGGHHHH!" I screamed out so frustrated with myself. The next thing I knew I heard the door open and the sleeping was pulled down from my head.

"Now why did you climb back here and start crying and why on earth did you scream like that?" I looked at Edward standing above me. I bit my bottom lip. "Because I knew I made you mad, and I'm frustrated with myself." I looked back down. "Come on sit up." Edward tells me. I did as he asked and he climbs in and picks me up and sets me on his lap.

"Bella I'm not angry with you. I'm angry with what Tanya did you. She infuriate me for what she done. None of this is your fault you didn't start it or cause." I leaned over against his chest. "Yeah, but it didn't help I open my big mouth and reminded you of it." He shakes his head. "Bella, Bella, Bella! What am I going to with you?" He chuckles. I smirk and turned on his lap so I was facing him. We looked at each other. I leaned forward and press my lips to his.

His arms wrapped around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently started tugging at his hair. Then we heard a knock on the window and a whistle. I buried my face and blushed with embarrassment. "Where at a truckstop aren't we?" I giggled. "Well you asked me to find one so I did." He started to chuckle. "Why don't you find a pair a sweatpants to put on and I will get stuff around for us to get showers." He said.

I found a pair of his sweats and put them on over the boxer. I found my boots and put them on. I climbed out and started looking for my jacket. But it wasn't here. "Ummm, Edward we got a slight little itty bitty problem." He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "And what would that be?" He asked kissing the top of my head. "Well we left my jacket behind." I grabbed my hoodie and put it on. "I can get one here. I'll just get my clothes for the shower." He giggles.

"Already got everything for you." I giggled. "Oh really?" I tell as I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. "Yes, Miss, Swan. Really!" He gives me a quick kiss and pulls away. He grabs 2 bags and grabs my hand and holds it. I smiled. We walked into the the truck stop and walked up to the driver counter. "We need 2 showers please?" I asked them. I turned leaning back against the desk. She hands Edward the keys and we head to showers.

He hands me my key and I put it in the lock. Edward puts an arm in front me. I look up at him. "Promise me if you you don't see me standing here waiting that you won't go walking around without me." I giggle. "Edward I can handle myself." He smiles and gently touches where Tanya hit me. "I know, but what you already been through. Just please for me." I give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Ok, I'll wait for you. Now let me take a shower!" I smile.

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