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We were trying to figure out how to get Bella out. We needed to pop the hinges off the door. The copilot went and got some tools to get the door off. All I could do is pace and run my hands through my hair. All I could hear is Bella screaming. I did this and I knew I had to fix it. I did the one thing I told her I wouldn't do.

Why couldn't I just think and not letting my anger get the best of me. The copilot came back and we started to get off the hinges. "May I ask why she screaming like that?" He asked me. "She had a lot happen to her recently." I just told him. We finally got them off. We move the door and there was Bella curled up in a ball, with her hands over her ears, still screaming.

I motion to the copilot to leave. He told me good luck. I finally took a deep breath and went over to Bella. I gently put my hand on Bella's arm. But she didn't quick.

"Bella, please!" I was at a loss to know what to do. I finally scooped her up and carry to the couch and sat her on my lap. "Bella look at me!" I told her. All she kept doing is screaming and covering her ears. I finally took her hands and pulled them from ears out of frustration.

"BELLA, STOP PLEASE!" I finally yelled out. She stopped screaming, but she was still crying. Then her hands went into fist and she started to hit me in the chest.
"You promise you wouldn't hurt me, you promised!" I took and grabbed her hands. "BELLA STOP! I know I did this and I'm sorry!" She looked up at me with the look of hurt in her face. "I honestly didn't know you were going to finally break, I'm just so worried. I don't want nothing to happen to you." I explained to her.

I looked at her trying to hold my own tears back. "I don't know what to do or how to help you. But I'm here to listen, Bella please just tell me what to do please!" Bella wrapped her arms around me as tight as she could and laid her head against my chest.

"Just hold me!" Was all she said to me. I wrapped my arms around her like she said. "Does the hurt ever go away?" She asked me.

I kiss the top of her head. "Yes, it's gets better, it will just take time for you to heal your heart. Just know I'm here for you." I explained to her. She finally cried herself to sleep. I laid her down gently on the couch. I went to cover her up with a blanket when she grabbed my hand.

"Edward, please just hold me." I gently climbed behind her and wrapped my arm around her after covering us with the blanket.

As I kissed her cheek, I whispered in her ear. "I'm so sorry for putting you in this state of emotions. But everything will be alright. All you gotta do is let me in and learn to trust me." I told her. I started to hum to her to help her fall back asleep.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now