Fighting tanya

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I stood there and waited for answer. "DO YOU LOVE HER?" He was going to answer then stop. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! I ASK ONE SIMPLE QUESTION, JUST ONE AND YOU CAN'T ANSWER IT." I walk off and grab my stuff to go take a shower to help calm me down. "Bella where are you going?" Edward asked. "AIN'T THIS PEACHY. NOW YOU SPEAK BUT IT'S NOT THE ANSWER TO MY DAMN QUESTION. SO WHY IN THE HELL SHOULD I TELL YOU WHERE I'M GOING. YOU KNOW WHAT UNTIL YOU CAN ANSWER MY QUESTION THEN AND ONLY THEN I WILL THINK ABOUT TALKING TO YOU!" I stormed off to the shower without saying a word.

Once in the shower I relaxed a little but I was still angry. I walked back to the tent and saw Edward sitting there with sadness in his face. He deserved it. I laid on my bed in my tent and finally fell asleep. I was woke up a few hours by a loud crack. I thought it was a gun going off but it was only thunder. I get up and slowly walk out of the tent. I was going to apologize to Edward but when I open his tent he wasn't there. I sat by the fire thinking he be back any time.

The thunder started to get louder and the lighting was starting. I had decided to walk up to the bathroom before the rain came. I walked out and as I was coming around the corner I heard Edward and Tanya. I stopped in my tracks. "We should've never broke up Edward, we were good together." Tanya told him but before he could get word out she started to kiss him.

Tears started to fall from my eyes. "To think I started to trust you and look what you do." I shake my head. Edward turns around and see me. "Bella, I'm sorry!" I look and Tanya has an evil grin on her face. "You knew I was standing here didn't you?" I asked Tanya. Edward turned around. "Did you know she was there Tanya?" Edward asked her. "I only wanted to show her how much you still loved me. Hell she probably isn't even a good kisser!" She said.

I started to walk up to her. But I stopped myself. I didn't know who to trust I was confused and angry. "Ohhh, what's the matter can't handle the truth!" Tanya said. "ARRRGH, THAT'S IT!" I finally walked up to her and stood in front of her and slammed my fist in her face. I was going to hit her again but Edward grabbed my arm. I turn and look at Edward. I glared at him. I shrugged his arm off and just ran.


I watched Bella run off. I couldn't understand what was happening. "Are you going to let her get away with this Edward?" I turned around and looked at Tanya. "Yes I am. You deserved it Tanya. When Bella asked me if I still love you, I couldn't answer her. I thought I still did." Tanya went to wrap her arms around me but I stopped her. "Let me finish Tanya. I thought I still loved you, but when you kissed me and what you pulled I realized I don't love you." I turned and walked away to find Bella.


I didn't know where I was on the trail but it was dark and the thunder and lightning got worse. The wind was picking up to. Can it get any worse? I thought to myself. But then it started to pour down rain. "I had to ask." I shake my head. "You have the worst luck don't you?" I heard Edward ask me. I didn't turn around I just kept walking. "That's fine you can keep walking I'll just follow you and talk to you." I can't believe he just wants to talk now. After what he just did.

"I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be. I should've told you about myself before you found out this way, but I wanted to know more about you, the more I heard the more I wanted to know." I moaned because I know my life was not that interesting. "I know I keep hurting you, I'm a jerk I know." He told me. "More like an idiot!" I mumble to myself. "Yeah I'm an idiot too. Yes I heard that." Good I'm glad. I say in my head.

"When I saw Tanya I thought I lost my feelings for her, but seeing her I was confused. Emotions were flooding me. But when you asked if I loved her I couldn't answer you because I really didn't know." I stopped. When I turned I had knew I snapped. I was walking back to him.

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