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  Jacob and I sat there in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out. I couldn't believe she got shot. "Is there anyone here for Isabella Swan?" We heard. "We are." I said. A doctor walk up to us. "She was lucky it went clean threw her arm nothing was damaged. You can take her home."  He told us. "Can we go back?" I asked. "Sure she awake and as soon as I get the release papers filled out you guys can go." He told us.


  I open my eyes and there were people all around me. "Hey there! You're in the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" A guy asked me. "Yeah, I guess I got shot. I fault Mike when he pointed the gun at me and it went off. But how did I get here?" I asked. "Do you remember anything after the gun went off?" He asked me. I thought back.

"I remember running and I ran into Edward but after that nothing." I told him. "It's alright Ms. Swan. You're lucky it went all the way through, the bullet never hit nothing. You're going to have to change this twice a day. I'm going to prescribe some antibiotics and pain meds but you can go home. I'll have a nurse bring you something you can wear home." He told me.

 The nurse came in and helped me put a shirt on. "You're going to need help to dress. Well at least the top half." She told me. I just shook my head. "Can we come in?" I heard as the nurse finished. "Yep, I'm done now, I'll be back with the release papers." The nurse says. I seen Edward push Jacob in. "Hey there how you get Jacob here?" I asked. They both looked at me confused. "Did I miss something?" I asked them. "You don't remember seeing me at the campground?" Jacob asked me.

 "No, like I told the doctor all I remember is fighting Mike when he pointed the gun at me then running into Edward. After that nothing until I woke up here." I told them. They looked at each other. The nurse came back in. "No lifting your arm until that heals.  Change the bandages twice a day. No using it to much." She told me as I signed it. "Like you're going to listen." Jacob says. The nurse hands me my scripts and she walks out. I get up and walk slowly over to Jacob and slap him on the back of the head and smile.

 "Hey what was that for?" He asked. "For being a smart ass." I laughed. Jacob just wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me down into his lap. "I don't have to worry about you changing." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Alright let's just get out of here I hate hospital. After the week, everyone left and I finally talked Edward to go on with the trip. We had just got to our other spot. After we got set up and Edward fixed dinner. It was dark. I realized I had to get my bandages changed. Except Esme and Alice helped me I was to embarrassed to asked Edward. I know we were getting married and he would see me. But I just didn't feel right.

I got up and walked into my tent and tried to get my shirt off but it was hard and it hurt like hell. Ughh! Why can't this just be easier. I finally gave up. I walked out of my tent and sat back down.  Next to Edward. "What's wrong?" Edward asked me. "Nothing really. I'll figure it out some how." I got to figure this out. I get back up and go back into my tent. I get my good arm out first. "Ugh, Alice I'm going to kill you!" I snapped out. I told her I wanted a button up shirt.

 I just walked back out and sat down by the fire. I was so frustrated. Edward was laughing. "Why may I ask do you want to kill my sister?"  He asked. "Oh, you heard that." I told him.

"Yeah! It wouldn't be because you're having a hard time trying to get your shirt off to change your bandages now is it?" He asked me. "Umm, well." I couldn't really answer him before my face to red with embarrassment.

  Edward shakes his head laughing. "Don't worry Alice told me you have a shirt underneath that. Although I can't understand why she put that shirt on when a button up would've been easier." Edward said. He stood up and reaches his hand out. I took it. "Come on let's get those bandages changed. We walked into my tent and I sit on the edge of my air bed. He gently got off my shirt. Then sat down and gently pulled the strap down on my shirt. I could feel him take bandage off. He gently cleaned it. Then put a clean bandage on. Then he sat in front of me.

  I watched how gently he cleaned the wound and was careful not to hurt me. How was it so hard to open my heart to him. Why am I so afraid he going to hurt me.

   I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story


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